Tender Notice For Construction and Rehabilitation of under ground barkeds in Buhodle and Burao, Togdheer Region.

Tender Notice For Construction and Rehabilitation of under ground barkeds in Buhodle and Burao, Togdheer Region.


Date: 24th January 2023

Construction and Rehabilitation of under ground barkeds in Buhodle and Burao, Togdheer Region.

For over 100 years, Save the Children has been making a difference in children’s lives in more than 120 countries. We are the world’s largest independent child rights organization, underpinned by a vision in a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our mission to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

Save the Children international now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for provision of Construction works Items for SCI’s Somaliland program

How to apply

All documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope, to be hand carried and addressed to The Tender Committee at the below addresses. The envelope should indicate the bid reference number of ITT/SCI/2023 – PR240405

Electronic Submission via ProSave

  • Submit your response in accordance with the guidance provided in the below document:
  • If your company is not registered in ProSave, please send your company profile to Procurement@savethechildren.org  requesting for registration into the system.
  • Follow the guidance provided and ones you are invited or already registered, request for the sourcing event to enable you get the documents(invitation to tender documents with instructions and bid details)Via Ariba network to bid online and share all your bid documents in one zip folder.


 (Download the ITT from the Link)

Hard copy submission

  • One Original hard documents of bid should be submitted.
    • Bids to be submitted to Save the Children Hargeisa Somaliland office
    • Bids should be submitted in a single sealed envelope addressed to Procurement Committee, Save the Children Hargeisa Office
    • The envelope should clearly indicate the Invitation to tender reference number ITT/SCI/2023 – PR240405 but contain no other details relating to the bid.
    • All documentation submitted should be in one single envelope as detailed above (e.g., Bidder Response Document, Bank statements, Legal Registration, etc.).

The deadline for submission of bids is 14th February 2023, at 3.30 PM, East Africa.

NB: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Late bids shall be rejected, and no liability will be accepted for loss/protected files, late delivery, or non-delivery, whatsoever.

Note: All applicants are invited to attend the tender opening session (date and time is mentioned in page 4 under timescale) whereby only prices, discounts and names of the bidders will be announced and no further info will be disclosed at this stage.






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