Re-Advert: Invitation to Tender for procurement of Dignity kits for vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in IDP camps, disaggregated by age, gender and disability in Abudwak, Somalia

Re-Advert: Invitation to Tender for procurement of Dignity kits for vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in IDP camps, disaggregated by age, gender and disability in Abudwak, Somalia

Invitation to Tender for procurement of Dignity kits for vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in IDP camps, disaggregated by age, gender and disability in Abudwak

Only suppliers/vendors in Abduwak can apply for this tender.

  1. Background

Somali Peace Line (SPL) is a non-profit and non-governmental local organization established to contribute towards bringing lasting and sustainable peace, advocating for the human rights of disadvantaged groups, capacity building, social harmony, and good governance. The organization was founded in 1995, following the second International Congress of Somali Studies in Paris, France, which focused on the “Culture of Peace in Somalia.”

SPL is committed to empowering Somali society to solve its internal problems through peaceful dialogue. As a key member organization of Somali civil society, SPL is continually acknowledged and appreciated by its partners for its tireless commitment and collaboration in the cause of social change.

SPL with funding from Save the Children is implementing the SOM_SCF_MFA_HUM_2022 project. -The project supports the most vulnerable families in 7 droughts, locust invasions, covid-19 and conflict-affected internally displaced persons (IDP) camps and host communities in Abudwak district, Galgaduud region since April 2022.

2.      Purpose

SPL is seeking qualified suppliers in Abduwak for the procurement of dignity kits for vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in IDP camps, disaggregated by age, gender and disability in Abudwak and invites interested vendors to submit bids for the supply of these items.

  1. Quantities and Specifications

The required quantities and specifications for each item are as follows:

Interested vendors should submit their bids in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • The bid should include the unit price for each item and the total cost for the required quantities.
  • The bid should include any applicable taxes, delivery charges, and other costs.
  • The bid should include a detailed description of the items, including the brand, quality, and expiry date.
  • The bid should include any relevant certifications or licenses required for the supply of these items.

  1. Award Criteria

SPL is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this tender process. Bidder responses will be evaluated against the guidelines indicated above.

  1. Timeline


How to apply

SPL invites interested qualified suppliers in Abduwak with sound financial capacity and relevant work experiences in a similar activity to submit their bids to and with the subject of the email being “Tender REF NO: SPL/07/2023 – procurement of dignity kits for vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in IDP camps “ not later than 13th July 2023.

We look forward to receiving your bids and working with you to provide high-quality items for children.

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