Consultancy for Research on the Progress of Localization in Somalia and Somaliland
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Terms of Reference Synopsis
Solicitation Reference Number SSWC/009/2021
Title of Solicitation Consultancy for Research on the Progress of Localization in Somalia and Somaliland
Issuing Office
Email Address for submission of Proposals/Quotes
Initial Deadline for Submission of Proposals Wednesday 14th July, 2021 5:00 PM East African Time
Anticipated Award Type Consultancy Agreement
Submission and Evaluation Criteria Bidder Must provide the below requested information
Mandatory Eligibility Requirement
• Must submit CV of Key Personnel
• Technical Proposal outlining consultants understanding of the assignment, the approach of the consultant, and the proposed timeline/schedule for the consultancy. • Financial Proposal
Technical Evaluation Criteria • Consultant Academic and Professional Qualification – 20%
• Consultant’s Prior Work Experience – 35%
• Methodology/Approach – 35%
• Language and Analytical Skills – 10%
Note: The minimum technical score shall be 75%.
Terms of Reference
1. Background and Rationale
1.1. NEXUS Somalia
NEXUS is a platform for change in response to the contemporary challenges to Somalia and Somaliland ( The main goal of NEXUS platform is to transform humanitarian, development and peace ecosystem. The platform, led by nine pioneering Somali NGOs, aspires to advance a locally driven agenda for change by building partnerships between communities, civil society and the public and private sectors as well as through the implementation of integrated and sustainable interventions across the triple nexus of humanitarian, peace and development.
Founded in 2019, NEXUS is a paradigm-shifting platform comprised of eight core members:
• Centre for Peace and Democracy (CPD)
• Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO)
• Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee (HAVOYOCCO)
• KAALO Aid and Development
• Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)
• Social-Life and Agriculture Development Organization (SADO)
• Taakulo Somaliland Community (TASCO)
• Wajir South Development Association (WASDA)
NEXUS core members possess wide-ranging technical capacities and represent communities across all Federal Member States of Somalia and Somaliland. NEXUS has two international partners who are committed to the localization agenda – Oxfam and Save the Children – and who will support NEXUS during its first three years.
NEXUS embodies the next evolutionary step of the Somali aid system, pioneering a locally led approach to delivering integrated peacebuilding, humanitarian and development interventions.
By breaking the silos of humanitarian aid, development and peacebuilding and by creating much needed spaces for local organizations to lead the way in seeking, scaling and integrating solutions across these sectors, NEXUS proposes local leadership as more than a means of realizing localization commitments – but as a revolutionary reform to the international systems at play in Somalia.
As a leader for public-private partnerships, NEXUS will leverage multidimensional engagements between local communities, civil society and the public and private sectors to advance a new framework for interventions in the Somali context that includes an integrated, early action emergency response infrastructure and community-based development initiatives that will serve as an entry point for peacebuilding and conflict resolution. NEXUS’ approach is ambitious but is grounded in the widely recognized need for more dynamic interventions to the chronic challenges faced by Somalia and Somaliland.
1.2. The Localization Agenda
Elevated by the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit and the subsequent Grand Bargain Agreement, the ‘localization agenda’ stands as one of the most significant transformative global forces in humanitarian aid and development assistance. The localization agenda is propelled by a number of international agreements that commit to increase funding and partnerships that would promote more locally-led responses. These agreements include the following: The Grand Bargain, Agenda for Humanity, and the Charter for Change.
Broadly conceived, the localization agenda seeks to decentralize and democratize decision making power and resource allocation away from international and multilateral institutions to local and national governments and local and national non-governmental organizations such as local/national private sector and national RC society.
Predicated on these agreements, a number of international frameworks have been erected to inform and guide the localization of humanitarian aid and development assistance, such as the UNOCHA-managed Charter for Change, and the NEAR Network Localization Performance Measurement Framework. Largely these frameworks evaluate localization along five vectors: (1) Partnerships, (2) Capacity, (3) Funding, (4) Coordination, (5) Participation of Affected Communities.
1.3. Localization In Somalia
The localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia has been promoted by a number of international and national forms, organizations, consortiums, and platforms. The Somalia Humanitarian County Team has published its framework for localization, with the following objective: “Local and national humanitarian actors are increasingly empowered to take a greater role in the leadership, coordination, and delivery of effective humanitarian preparedness in Somalia.” Similarly, the Localization and Partnership Working Group (LPWG) of the Somalia NGO Consortium (SNC) has been formed because of the observed need to consolidate, coordinate, improve, and support the activities of all relevant stakeholders working to promote localization in the Somali peninsula through activities aimed at enhancing coordination, information sharing, and learning among stakeholders on improved localization and partnership objectives in Somalia. Additionally, a number of consortiums have formed in Somalia, such as NEXUS, with explicit objectives for the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia.
2. Research Survey Objectives
Given the importance of the localization of humanitarian and development action in Somalia and beyond, SSWC and NEXUS will contract a consultant to complete a review on the status of localization in Somalia/Somaliland.
Overall Objective of the Research: To detail the progress, successes, challenges, and opportunities for/of the localization of humanitarian and development action in Somalia/Somaliland.
Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of the research consultancy will include but not be limited to the following:
- Localization Definition: explore who a local CSO is and give a Contextually-Relevant Definition of Localization in Somalia
- Funding: Study and examine the extent, quality, equality and equitable funding opportunities that exist for local and national NGOs in Somalia.
- Partnership: Using charter for change Principles of Partnerships as guide**,** evaluate the status of partnerships between national NGOs with INGOs, Donors, and Multi-Lateral Institutions.
3. Deliverables
- An inception report outlining the approach, timeline, tools, and methodology.
- A draft research paper on the status of the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia and Somaliland. The paper should be structured in accordance to the following guidance:
a. Literature/Desk Review of White Literature and Grey Literature highlighting the dimensions of localization, approaches to measuring localizations, and approaches for the localization of aid in Somalia/Somaliland and beyond. (3 – 5 pages)
b. A clear Methodology that builds upon the literature/desk review to present a well-articulated and logical approach to measuring localization. (1 – 2 pages)
c. Findings from the primary data research that is evaluated within a framework for measuring localization, as articulated in the literature/desk review and methodology sections. (3 – 5 pages)
d. Conclusion and recommendations emerging from the desk review, KIIs, FGDs, and surveys. (2 – 3 pages)
e. Annexes: : bibliography, interview transcripts, etc.
- A final research report on the status of the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia and Somaliland. .
NB: The final research paper should not be in excess of 15 pages, exclusive of annexes.
4. Methodology
Given the nature of the consultancy, the consultant is expected to provide a qualitative approach to measuring the status of the localization of humanitarian action and developmentin Somalia and Somaliland. The consultant is expected to propose a methodology for achieving the overall and specific objectives that includes the following approaches:
4.1. Desk Review
The consultant must undertake a thorough desk review of the localization agenda, the various international and national frameworks for the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia and beyond. The desk review should anchor an analysis of localization in Somalia against internationally and nationally recognized measurement frameworks, such as the NEAR Network’s Localization Performance Framework, and the Somali NGO Consortium’s LNPWGP. The desk review must also incorporate essential secondary data on the flow of aid and development financing in Somalia through the Financial Tracking System of UNOCHA and previous evaluations of localization in Somalia.
4.2. Key Informant Interviews
The consultant must undertake Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) from major stakeholders of humanitarian action and developmentin Somalia and Somaliland. Key Informants (KIs) should be conducted with a cross-section of leaders and major actors in humanitarian action, including Nexus platform members, members of the Somalia NGO Consortium, the SNC LPWG, Grand Bargain Signatories, Government Officials, Local NGOs, INGOs, and the like. The consultant is expected to develop a comprehensive list of KIs in close collaboration with SSWC and the NEXUS platform secretariat .
4.3. Focus Group Discussions
The consultant is expected to complete Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with key stakeholders on topics essential to the evaluation of the status of the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia and Somaliland. FGDs will ideally be held with representatives from local aid actors, INGOs, UN Agencies, and government officials, where relevant.
4.4. Organizational Surveys
The consultant must administer organizational surveys on perceptions of the localization of humanitarian action and development in Somalia and Somaliland. The survey will be administered to measure localization against at least two dimensions of localization: (1) Partnerships, (2) Funding,
5. Management and supervision of consultancy
The consultant/firm will report to SSWC, with day-to-day supervision by SSWC/Head of programs with the support of the SNC localization working group chair and NEXUS Director
6. Desired Qualifications and Experience
· At least a Bachelor degree in social sciences, such as international relations, public policy, political science, economics and/or other related disciplines.
· Demonstrated research experience (drafting and conducting KIIs, FGDs, and Surveys)..
· Good understanding of humanitarian response programming and elements.
· Demonstrated experience working on localization globally.
· Demonstrated experience conducting research or working on initiatives for the localization of humanitarian action and development. History of working on localization initiatives in Somalia/Somaliland is strongly preferred.
· Very good writing skills.
· Excellent communication, listening and interpersonal skills, including experience with diverse cultures and ethnicities and the ability to function in virtual environments (if remote).
· Be able to demonstrate similar work either in Somalia or other countries.
7. Budget and Planning
The consultancy firm is expected to start as soon as possible. Remuneration is based on the submission of deliverables provided that the report meets the specified requirements as started in the ToR. No payment will be made in advance.
The application should include a proposed budget and timeline. The proposed budget should include all evaluation expenses and applicable taxes.
The contractor will have to make provisions for covering all costs associated with the assignment.
The consultancy will take an estimated maximum of 32 days:
Task Estimated Number of Days
Inception Report 6
Desk review 8
Research 10
Research feedback from NEXUS & Working group 4
Final report and publishing 4
Total 32 Days
8. The Award Procedure
This procured procedure is organized to contract a consultant for Research on the status of Localization in Somalia and Somaliland either through a consultancy agency or an individual consultant.
How to apply
5.1. Application Requirements
Application materials should include the following:
- A Technical Proposal detailing the consultant’s understanding of the task, proposed methodologies, expected activities and deliverables, proposed workplan, and the composition of the consultancy team to be engaged.
- A Financial Proposal detailing the costs that the consultant expects to be required to complete the assignment.
- Detailed CVs of all professional staff who will work on this consultancy.
- At least two professional references from previous clients with full contact details of referees.
5.2. Submission of the Proposal
· Proposals MUST be submitted via email to on or before the deadline indicated in the synopsis of the ToR.
· Technical proposals and financial proposals shall be submitted in PDF format as separate attachments.
· CVs should be submitted either as separate PDF attachments or as an annex to the technical proposal.
· Proposals must be in the English language.
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