Data Assessment Expert – Home-based, Somalia

CTG Global

Data Assessment Expert – Home-based, Somalia


Closing date 27 Apr 2021


CTG Overview

CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements.
In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peace building, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.Overview of position

Our client has been supporting the governments’ efforts in effective implementation of the National Development Plan, which is aligned with the corporate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders in Somalia.

The Rule of Law Portfolio includes projects and programmes on justice, police, and security Sector Reforms, Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Human Rights. These five projects and programmes are interlinked and addresses the overall Contributing Outcome under the UN Strategic Framework priority 2: Supporting institutions to improve Peace, Security, Justice, the Rule of Law and safety of Somalis; and strategic priority 3: Strengthening accountability and supporting institutions that protect. Further it addresses the National Development Plan on RoL and Access to justice goal, to “establish independent, accountable and efficient justice institutions capable of addressing the justice needs of the people of Somalia.
Most programmes under the ROL GFP’s Arrangements in Somalia have outcome and output indicators but measuring impact at the outcome level has proven challenging and most projects end up reporting at the output and activities level. An important goal of the joint Rule of Law Framework in Somalia is to work under a common monitoring and evaluation mechanism that will constantly measure the status of peace and security in Somalia and to be able to assess the effects of UN´s support in furthering rule of law and understanding what implications the UN support has at the community level.
The UN in Somalia has established a first of its kind outcome-based M&E framework that seeks to measure in real time the impact of the UN’s and the international investment in areas of rule of law through continuous robust collection of qualitative and quantitative data from the community levels that will give up-to-date and instant information on the status of peace and security in targeted districts.
The establishment phase focussed on the development of a qualitative data analysis framework and procedures for the M&E system which includes organizing qualitative data collection in the field and methods of integrating different data streams from collection networks into a centralized qualitative database; development of research protocols and tools needed and, training for relevant UN and Government Data Teams and data analysis of two SDG 16 indicators.
In this phase, new indicators for each Federal Member State will be developed. The Data Assessment expert will provide support to our client SDG 16 M&E Goal 16 Team for consistent data collection and data cleaning for comprehensive analysis outputs that are producted in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice. To ensure government buy-in, the Data Assessment expert shall train government personnel at federal and federal member state levels respectively and work in close co-ordination with the government M&E teams to launch baseline data collection of the SDG 16 indicators related to Rule of Law (RoL), Justice, Human Rights and Security.
Our client will host the operation, ensuring that the effort is linked to Goal 16 monitoring with the aim of building the capacity of the host government over a period of time to be able to conduct regular monitoring. III. Objectives of the assignment and details of work
The overall objective of the work shall be to conduct data management and analysis capacity building (of varying competency levels) for government officials in Rule of Law institutions, to implement the second and third rounds of a post-COVID 19 Rule of Law Assessment in Somalia, as well as implement a pilot survey of SDG 16 indicators in partnership with the Oslo Governance Forum. This assignment shall be undertaken through the following:
• Provide one intermediate data literacy training for government officials in Rule of Law institutions.
− Identify potential trainees at each federal member state covering all rule of law institutions, including Ministry of Internal Security, Ministry of Justice, Judiciary, Ministry of Women and Ministry of Planning. Each training will last for 4 weeks, with one day of instruction per week.
− Conduct weekly training sessions with designated cohorts
− Conduct individual mentorship sessions on a weekly/as needed basis with training cohorts
• Implement Phase II post-COVID 19 -Rule of Law Assessment, covering a sample of 1800 individual respondents, interviewed through computer-assisted personal phone interviews.
− Develop work plan and methodology focusing on vulnerable sub-samples drawn from baseline assessment for Post-COVID-19 Rule of Law assessment follow up rounds
− Collect data for survey with a sample size of 1800 Somali citizens
− Manage and mentor team of enumerators from Ministry of Justice.
− Conduct analysis in collaboration with Ministry of Justice.
• Support Data analysis for Post-COVID-19 Rule of Law Assessment for outputs focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on rule of law and peace and security.
− Produce FMS and regional capitals and community level analytics, including a dashboard tracking key ROL indicators
− Produce outputs and in-depth analysis, encompassing the intersection of the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 with the impact on rule of law and peace and security.
• Implement SDG 16 Pilot Survey (Partnership with Oslo Governance Centre)
− Develop work plan in partnership with Ministry of Justice to carry out a pilot survey of SDG 16 indicators as part of the Oslo Governance Centre SDG 16 Pilot (6 locations, 1,080 Sample size)
− Manage and mentor team of enumerators from Ministry of Justice.
− Produce analysis and outputs according to Oslo Governance Centre Pilot specifications
V. Final product/Deliverables (For Output Based Contracts, clearly indicate milestones and percentage of total lump sum that will be paid for completion of each milestone)
The resulting contract will be out-put based with the following outputs and deliverables:
Estimated Duration
to Complete
Target Due
% of payment

And Approvals
• Workplan with timeline for Oslo Governance SDG 16 Pilot Survey
• Train MOJ enumerators based on survey questionnaire from Oslo Governance Centre Pilot
• Data collection for Oslo Governance SDG 16 Pilot Survey undertaken
10 days
30 April 2021
• Conduct analysis of SDG 16 Pilot survey
• Produce report on Oslo Governance SDG 16 Pilot Survey
• Identify cohort for Remote Data Management/Analysis training in partnership with ROL stakeholders
10 days
31 May 2021
• Conduct 4 Intermediate Data Training sessions for cohort once per week
• Conduct remote mentorship sessions with trainees once per week/as needed
• Data collection for the post- COVID RoL Assessment 2nd round
• Submission of report based on 2nd round data collection fo post- COVID RoL Assessment
• Conduct 5 day remote data and M&E training for ROL Portfolio
15 days
30 June 2021
35 Days

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