Somaliland Humanitarian and Social Organization (SOHASCO)
Employability and Life Skills Training Facilitator – Hargeisa, Somaliland
Project title: Youth Skills Development Project
Job Title: Employability and Life Skills Training Facilitator (One Position)
Reporting to: Project Officer
Location: Hargeisa Somaliland
Somaliland Humanitarian and Social Organization (SOHASCO) is a non-governmental, non-political, non -profit making youth organization. The headquarter office is in Hargeisa – Somaliland. It was founded in March 2007 by a group young people who realized the need for such an organization to address key issue facing them and their peers at the time. SOHASCO Youth Center provides services on livelihood programs, employment creation opportunities, health for Mather and child care, education programs, Economic growth initiatives.
SOHASCO, in partnership with the Somaliland Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS) plan to offer training on Youth Employability Skills to tackle the unemployment status of Somaliland youth.
Purpose of the Training facilitator
The Training will give youth knowledge and skills in employability skills, attitudes related to life skills, job hunting skills, work ethics, discipline and management.
Specific Objective
Developing employability skills and build the capacities of target youth as related to basic life skills, work ethics, Job hunting skills, CV building, interview competences, discipline management, and meet the labor market demand of employers( private companies, public sectors and institutions)
- Enable youth to clearly understand the employer needs, expectation and requirements and thereby increase their employability skills.
- Building self-confidence, positive thinking, conflict and problem solving and networking.
- Build youth attitude on the importance of diversity, keen to learn, detail orientation, meeting deadlines, communication skills, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, time/stress management and inclusion.
- Develop course outline and contents of the Training
- Prepare necessary handouts for the training participants.
- Prepare a training delivery schedule/facilitation plan
- Submit the final training documents (manual and power point slides, group work exercise etc.
- Prepare and submit the training reports with photographs of the participants
- Effective training methodologies, mostly practical group work, plenary discussions, short lectures
- Conduct pre and post training evaluation to discover the level of knowledge of the participants
- Conduct desk research using SOHASCO manuals and other relevant materials and come up with contextualized training materials including trainer guides and templates for practice.
- Submit all drafted training materials to SOHASCO Program unit for review and inputs.
- Inception report, detailed methodology, training content, sources and training delivery and work plan.
- Comprehensive training report in PDF Format and one in DOC format.
- An electronic copy of all training materials and content including presentations, handouts,
- Successful facilitation of the training/workshop.
- Final report on the implementation of the tasks after finishing the training
Duration of the Training assignment is expected to be 30 working days.
- University degree in Business or any other equivalent
- Over 4 years’ experience in conducting similar Training specially employability skills and job readiness(Desirable)
- 2 sample of previous assignments same with this task
- Certified training of trainers
- Excellent communication and skill dissemination
- Strong facilitation skills and report writing of both English and Somali
- Good computer skills.
- Ability to work independently, flexibly and under pressure
- Available for time-durations specified in ToR
Application Process
- The interested facilitators who meet the above requirement should submit the following:
- Application and Curriculum vitae with three reference
- conceptual inception outline showing how to intend and achieve the stated objectives,
- Previous experience (sample work- signed stamped copies of contracts
To submit application for this consultancy, please send required documents to procurement@sohasco.org / sohasco@gmail.com with the subject line of email Employability Skills Training Facilitator. Application will close by 15th May, 5 pm afternoon. Any application not meeting the above will not be reviewed.
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