Expert – Institutional Framework in Somalia – Nairobi, Kenya
Posting Title: | Expert – Institutional Framework in Somalia |
Department/Office: | United Nations Environment Programme |
Duty Station: | NAIROBI |
Posting Period: | 31 May 2021 – 17 June 2021 |
Job Opening Number: | 21-United Nations Environment Programme-156467-Consultant |
Staffing Exercise | N/A |
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
Result of Service
• A Report on the policy and institutional framework set-up for the delivery of the intended support from the Convention addressing the following aspects:
• Country context on policy, institutional and legislative frameworks for the management of freshwater and coastal and marine resources in Somalia.
• Existing partnerships and collaborative initiatives currently being implemented within the Jubba Shabelle Basin and type and nature of key coastal and marine projects.
• Institutional analysis and implementation frameworks for the partnerships and projects.
• Recommended institutional framework and defined engagements for the implementation of the Juba-Shabelle river basin initiative and national Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis to be supported by the Nairobi Convention.
Work Location: Home-Based
Expected duration
The contract duration will be for a one (1) month period.
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UNEP administers the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of Coastal and Marine Environment of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), under the Ecosystems Division. The Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
In the delivery of its Work-Programme, the UNEP/Nairobi Convention, executes various projects with partners across the region. Currently, the Convention is executing two GEF Projects: ‘Implementation of the Strategic Action Project for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities’ (WIOSAP) implemented by UN Environment; and Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystem Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms’ (WIO LME SAPPHIRE) project implemented by UNDP. The two projects have prioritized actions for support to countries as endorsed by the Contracting Parties through respective Strategic Action Programmes (SAPs). The Jubba-Shabelle river basin is prioritized in the WIOSAP project document as a site for environmental flows assessment under Output C.1.1: Environment flows assessment conducted in at least two pilot river basins to determine the environmental, economic and social-tradeoffs in water allocation and the need for management of river flows with respect to coastal areas and Activity C.1.1.1: Using participatory approaches identify and support the conducting of comprehensive Environmental flows assessment in two selected river basins. The SAPPHIRE Project is supporting the Convention beneficiary countries in the revision and updating of their national Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analyses (MEDAs) to facilitate review of the WIO-LME SAP. The Government of Somalia has requested that the indicated project support be integrated to harmonize on-the-ground execution.
The Convention is looking for an expert who can advise on the appropriate institutional framework in the country for implementation of this integrated approach. The nature of the support from the two projects will require a number of institutions that will bringing diverse expertise to work together with a common coordination mechanism.
To advise and document the existing institutional frameworks for an integrated approach in the implementation of Nairobi Convention activities in Somalia.
Specific tasks and responsibilities:
Under the general supervision of the Head of the Nairobi Convention Secretariat and the direct supervision of the Project Manager, WIOSAP Project, the consultant will be responsible for the following:
1. Assess the country context focusing on understanding the country-specific socio-economic/governance attributes that would determine suitable institutional arrangements for delivery of the Nairobi Convention activities in Somalia and document the policy and institutional set up for freshwater and coastal resources management in the country.
2. Map the specific WIOSAP and SAPPHIRE project activities and determine the implementation and overall coordination mechanisms and relevant partners and stakeholders to be involved. Provide insight into how project planning, monitoring and evaluation will be executed, as well as the roles of all implementing agencies and partners.
3. Conduct an institutional analysis to identify specific key sector stakeholders and entities with an interest in the management of freshwater resources (particularly the Jubba-Shabelle basin) and coastal and marine programmes in the country; document the interplay between the entities, their roles, powers and authority, and their capacity and capacity-building requirements.
4. Identify potential lead agency and potential implementing partners. Advise on the most appropriate institutional set-up for the implementation of the initiatives that the Convention will support in Somalia including linkages to relevant ongoing initiatives to support project oversight, management, coordination and implementation.
Qualifications/special skills
Academic Qualifications: Advanced university degree (a Master’s degree or Doctoral degree) is required in Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences or similar disciplines.
Experience: A minimum of 7 years of relevant professional experience is required in natural resources management, environmental policy formulation and implementation and understanding of institutional frameworks within government; Experience working with government and none governmental institutions at policy level, and stakeholders at both strategic and technical levels with demonstrated ability to deliver quality advice and reports in a timely manner is desirable. Working knowledge of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region and experience of working with the Governments of the WIO region particularly the Federal Republic of Somalia would be an advantage; Demonstrated high level of competency and excellent scientific/technical writing skill and rigour in critical review of documents and ability to work within very short timelines and with minimum supervision is desired.
Language: English and French are the official working languages of the United Nations. For this position fluency in both oral and written English is required. Knowledge in French is an added advantage.
No Fee
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