Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN)
Filed Officer (2 positions) – (Beled Xaawo) in Gedo region, Somalia
Filed Officer (2 positions) – Beled Xaawo, Somalia
Closing date 30 Apr 2021
Converting Conflicts to Peace
Field Officers
Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN) is a not-for-profit making and non-Governmental Organization that was established in 2008 in response to immense suffering caused by protracted civil strife, drought and floods in the Horn of Africa Region. HAPEN works to provide emergency and other humanitarian support to the affected populations in Somalia while building their capacity to reduce their vulnerability. The organization targets among others, pastoralists, farmers, agro-pastoralists, fisherfolk, urban poor, returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
To implement the project ‘Provision of Emergency Shelter and NFIs in Belet Xaawo District, Gedo Region’ as per project design and in accordance with HAPEN policies. HAPEN needs to recruit two Field Officers and the positions will be under the supervision of Program Manager. The project will run for Nine (9) months.
Project implementation
· Coordinate and implement the shelter and NFIs provision project in the target district (Belet Xaawo) in Gedo region.
· Conduct community mobilization to rally the community behind the project
· In collaboration with the community structures, settlement committees and other stakeholders, register beneficiaries according to the set criteria
· Generate and maintain accurate list of beneficiaries in prescribed format
· Continuously mobilize communities to fully participate in project activities
· Supervise and monitor the construction works ensuring quality implementation and completion of shelters in line with project design, Shelter Cluster guidelines and Sphere standards
· Ensure distribution of ESKs and NFIs is done in secure environments while adhering to Covid 19 prevention guidelines
· Incorporate and implement gender and protection mainstreaming, inclusion of people living with disabilities and Do No Harm principle at all stages of the project
· Provide feedback on quality of supplies provided by suppliers
· Share report with the Program Manager every week on the progress of the work
· And any other work assigned by the program manager
Capacity building and Trainings
· Mobilize and conduct training of settlement committees to build capacities on community engagement, site planning and construction of shelters.
Engagement and Networking
· Identify and build shelter sector related strategic linkages, relations, collaborations and networks with partners and other stakeholders in implementation at the field level.
· Identify opportunities that present through networks and relationships with other institutions and organizations and NGOs working in the areas of community engagement and support to construction of shelters and provision of NFIs.
· Attend local coordination meetings with the local administration, partners and relevant Clusters
· Effectively document all information related to project progress, successes and best practices.
· Create a bank of pictures, videos and most significant change stories on the project in the district.
· Conduct periodic process and results monitoring and capture achievements, outputs and indicators of project success
Project management and coordination
· Guide and provide technical support to partners and technical resource persons in the project area.
· Carry out monthly review meetings with Program Manager, Finance manager, M&E Officer, Communication Officer, HR & Admin Officer, Procurement and Logistics Officer and Field Officer
· Produce timely, accurate, compliant and quality reports to the direct supervisors.
· Support processes of post construction and post distribution monitoring
· Ensure that project assets at field level and inputs are managed within HAPEN policies and guidelines.
· At least a Diploma in development studies, project management, Social Sciences or equivalent
· Relevant experience of at least 4 years in project implementation with reputable institution in Somalia
· Good understanding of Shelter concepts and issues in IDPs context in Somalia
· Working knowledge of the logical framework approach to project design, monitoring and evaluation/ project cycle management
· Demonstrated experience and skill in community mobilization, networking, surveys, analysis and report writing
· Ability to work with communities in a local setting of Gedo region.
· Good oral and written communication skills both in Somali and English;
· Must be result focused and be able to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
· Excellent interpersonal skills;
· Technical knowledge and experience in implementation of gender and disability sensitive approaches is a plus;
· Basic knowledge of Humanitarian principles including the Code of Conduct, Protection of beneficiaries, Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian activities
How to apply
To apply for this job please send your application, certificates and updated CV to recruitment@hapen.ngo by the 30th April 2021, 1700 hours.
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To apply for this job email your details to recruitment@hapen.ngo