Gender Specialist – Hargeisa, Somaliland

Government of Somaliland – MoEM

Gender Specialist – Hargeisa, Somaliland




Country: Government of Somaliland

Institution:  Ministry of Energy and Minerals

Project Name:  Somali Electricity Access project

Type of Appointment: Individual Consultant

Consulting Service:  Gender Specialist

Reference No.:   SO-MOEM-228611-CS-INDV

Duty station: Hargeisa, Somaliland.

  1. Background

The Government of Somaliland represented by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (Ministry) has received financing from the World Bank towards the financing of the Somali Electricity Access Project (SEAP). The Ministry has established a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to carry out the day-to-day activities of project planning, coordination, and implementation of the SEAP and the proposed Somali Electricity Sector Recovery Project. The Ministry of Energy and Minerals intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contract to be signed with an individual consultant for the post of Gender Specialist within the PIU.

  1. Responsibilities

Working closely with the Deputy Project Coordinator the Gender Specialist is expected to Ensure the implementation of committed gender activities in terms of time and allocated resources. Ensure the integration of gender in the project design, project implementation and other project documents, including SEAP and SESRP, in alignment with the Somaliland National Gender Policy and the World Bank Gender Strategy (FY16-23). Develop materials for the SEAP capacity building training including a training for women-owned Renewable Energy SMEs. Support the Ministry in addressing barriers to the employment of women in engineering and technical fields within the energy sector. Assure that the diagnostic assessments and stakeholder consultations inform the project design of SESRP. Support MOEM in activities that will close gender gaps in the energy sector including bridging the skills gaps and increase the employment of women engineers in the energy sector. Develop a time-bound gender action plan with specific timelines and follow-up procedures and a gender capacity building plan in conjunction with the World Bank Africa Gender and Energy team. Support the PIU in organizing gender orientation & awareness campaigns, and training for project partners, local consultations as well as local community engagement and other relevant stakeholders in the energy sector. Detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the Ministry’s websites: and,  or can be provided upon submission of an application in person or by e-mail. The e-mail address is provided below.

  1. Selection Criteria

Selection shall be based on qualification and experience of the candidate and followed by an interview. The minimum qualification, experience and skills should include:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Management, Development studies or relevant social science fields
  2. 3-6 years of progressive experience in gender and social development work.
  3. Experience in Somaliland National Gender Policy as well as World Bank’s Gender Strategy is an added advantage.
  4. Experience in project implementation of development projects in remote areas
  5. Knowledge of gender issues in the Somaliland Energy Sector Context
  6. Experience working in projects by NGO’s, international development organizations, governments and public institutions is essential.
  7. Understanding of Somaliland’s unique context
  8. Fluency in oral and written Somali and English
  9. Readiness to work in multi-cultural and fast – paced environment meeting tight deadlines.
  10. Reputable person with good ethical and moral character.
  11. Time frame and Reporting

The expected duration of the consultancy is one year, with possibility of contract extension subject to satisfactory performance. The assignment is expected to commence in June 2021. The consultant will report to the Deputy Project Coordinator and work closely with the PIU.

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above-mentioned services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the Services and furnish the Curriculum Vitae (CV).

  1. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to section III, para 3.14,3.16 & 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Projects Financing Goods, Works, Non -Consulting and Consulting Services, dated July 2016, revised November 2017, and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
  2. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant method set out in the World Bank Procurement Regulations.
  3. Interested applicants may obtain further information including a detailed Terms of Reference from the Ministry in person or by e-mail to the address given below during office hours from 08.00hrs – 16:00hrs, Saturday to Thursday.
  4. Expressions of interest and CVs must be submitted by email to the address below on or before 10th May 2021 at 16:00hrs. Subject marked clearly as – Gender Specialist.



The Project Coordinator.

SEAP Project

Ministry of Energy and Minerals

Government of Somaliland

Opposite of Presidential Palace

Hargeisa, Somaliland

Email Addresses:

Eng. Liban Mohamed Mohamud



Procurement Specialist




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