GFFO End of Project Evaluation Consultancy Service – Somalia

World Vision International

GFFO End of Project Evaluation Consultancy Service – Somalia


Closing date 17 May 2021


World Vision International – Somalia Programme

Terms of Reference (ToR) for GFFO End of Project Evaluation Consultancy Service


Project Name

Integrated Emergency Response Project in Baidoa, South West State, Somalia

Assessment Type

End of Project Evaluation – Summative evaluation

Evaluation Purpose

The purpose of the End of Project Evaluation is to assess the progress made towards the achievement of the project objective(s) and anticipated outcomes on the lives of children, families and communities in Baidoa, Bay Region of Somalia. It also tracks the changes against project baseline and mid-term/Nutrition SMART survey resulted over the period of the project.**

Project location (Districts and # of villages/ sub-locations)

Bay Region – Baidoa district

Sectors Integrated into the project

  1. Health
  2. Nutrition
  3. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) & Non-Food Items (NFIs)
  4. Food Security & Livelihoods
  5. Protection mainstreaming.

Implementing Partners

World Vision Somalia in partnership with Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water Resources and Energy, South West State of Somalia

Project Duration

March 2019 – August 31, 2021

Proposed dates of Assessment/ data collection

Within 10 – 12 days after contract is signed.

Anticipated Date of Draft Report Submission

20 days after data collection completed

Anticipated Date of Final Report Submission

30 days after data collection completed


With funding support from the German Federal Foreign Office, World Vision Somalia Program (WVS) has been implementing Integrated Emergency Response Project (funded by German Federal Foreign Office – GFFO) in Baidoa district of Bay region. The project is being implemented in technical partnership with the South West State government represented by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Energy and Water Resources. The project is aimed at improved access to essential goods and services such as food, water, sanitation, health and nutrition for vulnerable households, including IDPs and vulnerable host communities in Baidoa. Specifically, the project focuses on improving access to food supplies of the vulnerable affected population in IDPs and host communities (Food security); improving emergency access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to vulnerable population in IDPs and host communities; and improving access to essential health care and nutrition services (H&N) for IDP communities and vulnerable host communities; and enhance the capacity of MOH, community structures and implementing staff to offer quality health care services and increasing coverage. Protection has been mainstreamed into the project at all levels of the implementation.

WVS plans to conduct an End of Project Evaluation in order to assess the outcome of the project.

Objectives of the Evaluation

The evaluation is intended to establish the extent to which the project’s objectives (outcomes and outputs) were achieved, understand the project’s contribution to child wellbeing, facilitate analysis of lessons learnt (what went well and what did not go well), and make recommendations that will influence future interventions in the targeted locations and similar contexts. Largely, the evaluation will help in informing all project stakeholders such as WVS, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Water Resource and Energy and Ministry of Social Affairs on the extent to which the intended outcome and output objectives were achieved as well as highlight the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness, sustainability, impact and lessons learnt from the interventions.

The evaluation will seek to answer the following questions;

· What specific negative impacts that COVID-19 had caused to the project beneficiaries?

· To what extent has the project achieved its objectives and targets?

· To what extent has the current information on implementation in Health & Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Protection brought changes on indicators as compared to the benchmarks during the baseline?

· Connectedness[1]: To what extent project inputs or resources are used efficiently to produce the required outputs/ outcomes?

· Were there gaps and unmet needs in the targeted districts, if yes, what are they and what more or different could donor, WV Somalia and other stakeholders do to address the gaps?

· Was the project in line with local needs and priorities, targeting the right geographic areas, and beneficiaries with the right interventions?

· Were the interventions in line with Somalia Government National Plans/strategies?

· How effective is the projects partnership with relevant Ministry and other stakeholders?

· To what extent did the targeted community groups (disaggregated by age/sex and other level of vulnerability) participate in the management and implementation of the project?

· To establish and document key lessons learned during the project implementation

  • Assess and determine the progress in the key cross-cutting themes for programming i.e. protection, accountability to affected population, gender, children in emergencies, DRR, and covid19, and others as required.
  • To formulate and provide practical and feasible recommendations or interventions based on the survey findings to improve the nutritional status of the surveyed population.
  • Impact: The evaluator will assess the positive and negative changes produced by project supported interventions, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended

This will be an external assessment which will necessitate, undertaking a complete review and analysis of the program design document (Narrative Proposal) and its annexes including: Budget, conceptual framework, M&E plan and Indicator performance Table (ITT) together with, baseline progress reports (financial, narrative & monitoring) and available strategies (Somalia NDP & WVS National Office Strategy).

Scope of Work

Geographic area and target population

Since the project has been implemented in Baidoa district, the evaluation will take place in all the project sites targeted by the project. This includes two mobile teams and 10 health facilities/posts with maternity wing in Kormari IDP. There are also other villages covered under WASH and food security interventions.

Depth of investigation

Since this is the summative evaluation, it will assess the progress of the project towards the project goal and outcomes starting from March 2019 to August 2021 and delve into the details in Table 1.


The survey methodology will be designed in alignment with end of project evaluation standards. The Nutrition section is measured using Nutrition SMART[2] survey method. The data collection process will adopt a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches involving review of records, interviews with project participants and focus group discussions among others. A more detailed survey methodology will be designed by the Consultant in consultation with WVS Health & Nutrition Team, Nutrition Cluster, WASH and Food Security and M&E teams and seek for approval for the Nutrition SMART survey protocol in particular. The detailed design must include among others; survey design, sample size determination using Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) software, quality control, data collection and management process. To ensure the quality of evidence, the evaluation will be designed with reference to the Bond Evidence Principles Checklist. Specific reference will be made to the 5 key dimensions of voice and inclusion, appropriateness, triangulation, contribution and transparency.


The evaluation to be done in relation to the context taking into consideration the changes that took place during the project implementation period (Covid19, political tension, droughts, flooding, and insecurity). The consultant is expected to analyse how the changes in context affected project implementation and impact including effectiveness of adaptation efforts made by the implementing agency, communities and other stakeholders

Rationale for the choice of mixed methods design.

The mixed design focuses on both quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection, analysis and presentation[3]. Mixed methods approach has emerged as a practical methodology in conducting assessments and evaluations for projects as it gives greater insight into phenomena through information validation and triangulation. Advantages of the methodology include the following:

§ Data from different sources provides an opportunity to understand changes from different standpoints. One data source may not be enough to give explanations to behaviour, results and practices

§ Peculiarity in data collection leads to greater validity as information omitted by one method can be augmented by another source.

§ This method answers evaluation question from a number of viewpoints. It ensures that there are no ‘gaps’ to the information collected

§ The method is helpful when one methodology does not provide all the information required.

§ It’s a good methodology for social, health and behavioural studies as it interacts with several stakeholders and utilizes all available from multiple levels and lines of evidence n to reach a conclusion.

To actualize this design, the evaluation will target different stakeholders and population groups using different data collection methods i.e. structured questionnaires and focus group discussions for targeted households (both direct and indirect beneficiaries), key informant interviews for project partners, staffs, government technical units (MoH, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock), document reviews for secondary data, observations for Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL), WASH and health infrastructure established and oral narratives for selected beneficiaries. All information gathered from these sources will be synthesized and analysed to answer the evaluation question.

This evaluation will be led by consultant with overall leadership from WV Somalia Quality Assurance and technical support from FSL, WASH, Health & Nutrition and Protection Technical team. The consultant will adopt appropriate tools including interview/discussion guides, household questionnaire, and observation checklist. Upon the finalization of tools (FGD guide, KIIs and household questionnaires), a training will be organized in the targeted districts including all evaluation team members including enumerators, project partners and staff. This training will aim to empower the evaluation team with the project logic model and evaluation criteria, survey scope, instruments, planning and management of the survey.

Sampling Design

Quantitative Data: While designing the survey tool, the consultant will consider various factors. For this evaluation, quantitative approach will only be employed in gathering information at household level with focus on mothers with under five children and/or household care takers. The sources of indicator vary for different indicators. Items covered in the questionnaire will be framed from project outputs, outcomes and goal. Further in this approach, the evaluation team will adopt best sampling methods with taking into consideration sample size used at baseline/ SMART Survey stages. The baseline was carried out in July/August 2019 while the SMART survey was conducted in March 2020. This should be well elaborated in the inception report. With the help of local administration, the household numbers for the target villages will be obtained before commencement of study to facilitate scientific determination of the sample size. This will be based on the household numbers from each village falling within the project scope. Probabilistic methods will then be used to sample the key respondents at household level.

Scientific sampling will guarantee randomness in selection of respondents, validity and reliability of data collected. To generate the sample size from the population, the team will use the online sample calculator (generator) to arrive at the total households to be targeted for the evaluation.

Qualitative Data: Physical observations, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and physical observations will be carried out with beneficiaries and stakeholders to understand the extent to which the project achieved the intended objectives and addressed community needs. The FGD guides will contain a checklist of questions generated from the main project objectives and activities. The evaluation team working together with project staff will select the participants of the FGDs based on the focus of the study. Mothers with children under five will be purposively included for the FGD.

The focus groups will target key stakeholders including beneficiaries, comprising; FSL targeted community members, Pregnant and lactating Women (PLW), CHWs, WASH Committees, Protection Committees, facility staff, camp leaders, youth clubs and children’s clubs among others. Taking covid19 and security protocols into consideration, every FGD will have standard 6-10 participants within the project areas. For purposes of plural investigation, the exercise will be conducted with a broad range of representation within the community to enable triangulation of findings and incorporate wide-ranging perspectives.

Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) will be conducted with a wide range of stakeholders including; WV Project staff, Government officials from Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Rangelands, MOH, Ministry of Water and Energy & Ministry of Gender and Social Affairs, Health facility in-charges and other implementing partners working within the project area.

Note: The evaluation team will also consider gathering information on the impacts of COVID-19 and gender and social inclusion as a cross cutting theme by deliberately incorporating key questionnaires related to the pandemic.

Documents review

The evaluation team will undertake a thorough review of all available project documents as deemed necessary to gather vital information on the project design, implementation and monitoring processes as well as capture significant lessons registered over the lifetime of the project. Of necessity, the evaluation team will review the following literature:

ž Project proposal including logic model, M&E Plan

ž World Vision Somalia National Office Strategy 2016-2020/25

ž MOUs signed with line ministries

ž Project progress reports

ž Activity Reports

ž Baseline, as well as any Assessment and Monitoring Reports

ž Any other relevant documents by FSNAU, UNICEF, and UNOCHA, and others as required.

Additionally, the team will look at government strategic documents and reports, SDG targets and WVI child wellbeing outcomes to enable comparisons (where applicable) and validation of the findings.

Field Processes

Selection and training of enumerators: Enumerators with previous research experience and the ability to speak Somali language will be recruited. WV will identify and hire the enumerators. Key government official from Ministry of health and Water resources and social affairs will be engaged in order to support the process. Depending on sample size, a total of [xxx male, xxx female] enumerators will be engaged for evaluation and these will work hand-in-hand with M&E Officers during data collection. The field team (enumerators & M&E Officers) will be trained in data collection techniques such as SMART Survey, ENA, and KOBO platform of the data collection tools before field data collection exercise. During the training, the field team will also be briefed on the objectives of the evaluation, how to identify the appropriate respondents at various levels and how to fill in the questionnaire appropriately. Emphasis will be put on research ethics, accuracy, and completeness among others.

Data collections tools and methods: As indicated, the evaluation will use both quantitative and qualitative tools and methods for data collection, analysis and presentation. Information triangulation (using different methods) will be used to guarantee that the evidence supporting any conclusion drawn is representative of the situation. The evaluation will employ the following data collection methods during the evaluation;

· Household interviews will be conducted using structured questionnaires

· Key Informant interview will be conducted using KII Guide

· Focus group discussions will be conducted using Focus Group Discussion Guide

Research ethical code will be applied throughout the study design, data collection and analysis phases. This will be reinforced during the survey team training.

Field data collection:** The team will use mobile phones configured with KOBO mobile application for data collection, ENA and relevant SMART survey software. The interviews and discussions will be conducted mainly in Somali language. Focus group discussions will be conducted by a key researcher using a predetermined focus group guide with relevant themes and sub-themes, while Key informant interviews will be conducted using a predetermined guide with open ended questions for specific informants.

Analytical framework:** The evaluation team will use the project logic model and the evaluation criteria set out below to address the evaluation objectives as attached below. The tools and data collection will be aligned to this framework with emphasis on gender and social inclusion, and other cross cutting issues such as COVID-19 and locust invasion.

Table 1: Evaluation criteria and questions[4]**

Evaluation Objectives

Suggested Key Questions

Rationale for asking Key Questions

Suggested Approach (To explore key question)

Assess the Relevance and appropriateness of the project design to the community needs

· Was the project in line with local needs and priorities, targeting the right areas, people with the right interventions?

· Was the project sensitive to the culture, gender and social inclusion of women, girls, boys and men?

· Were the interventions in line with government National plans/strategies?

· Was the intervention aligned to the child wellbeing outcomes and WVS Strategy (FY2016-2020/25)?

· Was the selection criteria appropriate for identifying and reaching target communities and households?

· What measures were put in place to ensure that the project stakeholders were adequately involved in the project design, interventions and their roles in it?

· To what extent did the key stakeholder groups (desegregated by age/sex and other level of vulnerability) participate in the management and implementation of the food security, WASH and Health components?

· Did the activities contribute to the outcome and the objective of the project? Were there gaps in any sector, if yes, what are they and what more or different could WV Somalia, World Vision Germany/GFFO and other stakeholders do to address the problem?

A thorough elaboration on these questions, will enable world Vision and stakeholders;

· Clearly understand whether the project design was based on community priority needs.

· Understand whether the design and implementation took care of cultural sensitivities given that the fragile context.

· Clearly document whether the project was aligned to government plans, CWB targets and WVS strategy for purposes of compliance.

· Understand the beneficiary selection criteria used and whether it conformed to the set standards.

· Establish and properly document the contribution of the project to intended changes in the communities

· Establish and document whether the project management were responsive to community needs

  1. Thorough document review should be conducted to assess if the establish strategies were addressed by the design.
  2. A comprehensive household survey will be implemented to measure outcome indicators that were set in the design and any other indicators that are critical for child wellbeing

Assess the efficiency of the project in delivering and achieving project outputs and outcomes.

· Were the outputs and activities appropriate for achieving project outcomes?

· Did the project adopt the most efficient approach in implementation?

· How well did the management structure support/facilitate program implementation? Was project management responsive to changing conditions on the ground?

· Was the project implementation in line with the planned objectives?

· How successful was the project in integrating with other sectors (beyond FSL, WASH, Health, Nutrition and Protection)?

· How the project was efficient in terms of budget spent compared to the number of people who benefited from the project. How efficient is this project compared to other similar interventions either by WV or local partners?

· Was the projected implemented in coordination with other humanitarian agencies? Where there synergies that ensured complementarity with activities implemented by other agencies and minimising overlap

The key questions will enable WV and partners to:

· Clearly understand and document the extent to which outputs were adequate for achievement of outcomes.

· Assess the approaches adopted during implementation, and their appropriateness in delivering results.

· Clearly understand the management structure and its contribution to the success implementation of the project.

  1. A comprehensive household survey will be implemented to measure outcome indicators that were set in the design and any other indicators that are critical for child wellbeing;
  2. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will include questions on key impact; attribution; enabling factors; unmet needs; etc.
  3. Thorough document review should be conducted to establish the set strategies and how they were addressed by the design

Assess project effectiveness (progress of implementation and key outcomes achieved including the contribution on wellbeing of children)

· Did the project achieve the objectives and the targets?

· Were project activities implemented effectively to achieve maximum benefit within the context; including community engagement, trainings, community sensitisation etc.?

· What are the factors that hindered/assisted the effectiveness of the project?

· How did beneficiaries perceive the value of the project compared with other alternatives?

· Have there been any un-intended benefits or negative consequences? How did the project mitigate these consequences?

· How did the project relate with other partners or stakeholder? What were the challenges in working with other partners or stakeholders? How did the project try to address these challenges

· Did WVS put in place adequate and effective systems for ensuring accountability and transparency in the management and implementation of the project? Were these systems adhered to? Why or Why not?

These questions will enable WV and partners to:

· Identify and document any un-intended consequences of interventions (both positive and negative)

· Assess the extent to which any observed impact(s) could be attributed to WV or other partners?

· Analyse the performance of the projects against set targets (projects, critical activities, outputs) and document factors that contributed to meeting/not meeting/exceeding targets

  1. A comprehensive household survey will be implemented to measure outcome indicators that were set in the design and any other indicators that are critical for child wellbeing;
  2. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will include questions on key impact; attribution; enabling factors; unmet needs; etc.
  3. Thorough document review should be conducted to establish the set strategies and how they were addressed by the design.
  4. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will include questions on key impact; attribution; enabling factors; unmet needs; etc.

Assessing connectedness of key activities, outputs and outcomes that have been initiated by project

· What mechanisms have been put in place in order to connect the key activities, outputs and outcomes long term interventions in the project area?

· Who are the key partners WV has worked with? What roles did they play? What motivations /mechanisms exist for partners to continue playing these roles?

· What key behavioural changes have the project facilitated? What is the likelihood of continuity of these changes

· What, if any are the risks facing sustainability of key activities, outputs and outcomes? What can be done to strengthen sustainability during the next phase of the program?

· How did the project contribute towards building the resilience of the targeted population? How does the project contribute towards durable solutions for displaced and crisis affected populations

· Was the project implemented in a way that was sustainable to the environment i.e. environmental protection considerations

Under this objective, WV and partners will be able to:

· Identify key enablers of sustainability that can be strengthened during the next phase

· Identify key risks of sustainability that need to be addressed in order to achieve broader impact and sustainability.

  1. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will explore strengths and weaknesses related to sustainability;
  2. Through household survey, document reviews and observation, the survey team will assess the likelihood of continuity of key project outputs (e.g., infrastructure constructed, community groups’ set-up, etc.)

To establish and document key lessons learned during the project implementation

· What key lessons were learnt by staff, management and stakeholders throughout the implementation of the program

· What key challenges were experienced/witnessed by staff and management in the implementation of the program? How were they able to address the challenges

· What possible recommendations do staff and stakeholders put forward for any related future interventions

· What best practices emerged from the project implementation across the different sectors? To what extent can they be scaled up?

· What innovative approaches were used to deliver humanitarian assistance to the beneficiaries?

· What innovations were used in delivering the humanitarian response across the different sectors during COVID-19 pandemics?

· Have COVID-19 preventive and control measures followed during the project implementation in the targeted communities?

· What specific impacts COVID-19 brought out to the targeted community?

This will help WV and Partners;

· Clearly understand the key lessons that were learnt during the program implementation. This would be able to inform future designs.

· Document best practices and innovations for possible scale them up in future projects.

· Assess if the COVID-19 preventive and control measures were well implemented in the project area

· Assess negative impacts of COVID-19 to the targeted community

  1. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will explore strengths and weaknesses related to sustainability.

Findings and conclusions: Findings and key indicators will be presented in form of text, graphics and tables. The survey lead team will prepare the report in a user-friendly format, following the structure provided at end of the TOR. This section will present findings as statements of fact that are based on analysis of the data. The evaluation findings will be structured around the evaluation criteria and questions so that report users can readily make the connection between what was asked and what was found. Variances between planned and actual results will be explained, as well as factors affecting the achievement of intended results. The assumptions or risks in the project design that subsequently affected implementation will also be discussed. The conclusion section will be comprehensive and balanced; it will highlight the strengths, weaknesses and outcomes of the intervention. The conclusion section will be substantiated by the evidence and logically connected to the evaluation findings. The conclusion will also respond to key evaluation questions and provide insights into the identification of and/or solutions to important problems or issues pertinent to the decision-making.

Data quality control & Survey Ethics

All data quality control measures will be adhered to during the evaluation including; reviewing of the study tools, translation of the tools into local languages, standardization of the training (pre-testing and ensuring that the enumerators are familiar with local terminology), review of evidences against bond evidence parameters, using GPS functionality in Kobo to geo-reference the data, regular supervision and data cleaning. The administered tools will be checked regularly for correctness, completeness, and consistency. After entry, the data will crosschecked to ensure accuracy of the information obtained from the field then compared and validated. During analysis, validation will be done by comparing the emerging information with secondary data to ensure that any outliers are addressed.

Ethical Consideration: The following ethical considerations will be adhered to during the evaluation process:

§ The rights of privacy of individuals

§ Consent and possible deception of participants

§ Maintenance of the confidentiality of data provided by individuals or identifiable participants and their anonymity

§ Reactions of participants to the ways in which researchers seek to collect data.

§ Effects on participants of the way in which data is analyzed and reported.

§ Behavior and objectivity of the evaluator.


Security in most of the targeted sites under district is volatile with likelihood of disruptions that may restrict enumerators from accessing some field locations, hence affecting the quality of the evaluation. This will be mitigated by working together with our local line ministry staff right from the inception to the end, as this will empower them to adequately supervise the evaluation and update lead evaluators on a daily basis. Covid19 also persists and protocols will strictly be followed at all levels.


4.1. Consultant Responsibilities during assessment

§ Develop Technical and Budget Proposals that include assessment plan, methodology and appropriate/relevant data collection and analysis tools.

§ Work closely with WV DM&E Manager/Coordinator and Sector Technical Specialists during the design of the methodology/ tools; agree on the tools that will be used.

§ Incorporate key questionnaires into the household questionnaires in order to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on projects outcomes.

§ Presenting the methodologies and tools to WV DM&E and Technical Specialists and agree on the final tools.

§ Design data entry and analysis spreadsheets

§ Train enumerators on survey tools such as quantitative and qualitative survey tools with focus on ENA/ SMART Survey methodologies, guide and supervise enumerators during data collection in the field

§ Monitor and verify data collection

§ Make visits to data collection sites and do FGDs and KIIs

§ Incorporate feedback from WV team into tools and reports

§ Approximately one hour PowerPoint presentation of results and discussions to be delivered

§ Do de-briefing on preliminary findings to the field team soon after completion of data collection. The result is expected to be published and the consultant needs to give due attention to the quality of the report.

4.2. WV Responsibilities during assessment

§ Provision of reference documents like project proposal, M&E Plan, IPTT, baseline survey and SMART Survey reports and progress reports

§ provide a point person on the field management team to arrange logistical details before and during the evaluation

§ Do community and stakeholder mobilisations for the assessment

§ Support recruitment of enumerators

§ Source, hire and pay for enumerators

§ Review the assessment plan and tools before use

§ The DME and Project Managers will support training of enumerators on the data collection protocols and data collection tools provided by the consultant

§ The project team supports and facilitates household data collection

§ The DM&E team conducts internal supervision and data verification during data collection

§ Review the draft report and provide feedback to the consultant


· Inception report (of not more than 10 pages) and survey protocols presented to WVS to get approval from Nutrition Cluster and SMART Survey section. This should detail the approach and methodology to be used, sampling, detailed execution plan and survey tools.

· Detailed evaluation/SMART survey work plan including clear calendar of survey activities

· Final survey design and data collection tools

· Raw data together with the preliminary report/ finding

· Producing preliminary findings/report of not more than 10 pages and submitted to WVS within the agreed timeline between WVS and the Consultant.

· Presentation of the key findings and recommendations to WVS, MoH and Nutrition Cluster

· Final survey report within two weeks after preliminary presentation/submission.

· Survey tools/protocols, both quantitative and qualitative

· Annexes with the following information:

§ List of enumerators

§ All data collection tools/protocols

§ Findings on the integration of gender, disability, resilience, child protection , COVID-19 and engagement with local administration and religious leaders


The End of Project Evaluation/SMART survey process is expected to take in a maximum of 45 days including preparation, data collection, and analysis and submission of final report. The Consultant should be able to undertake some of the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned time-frame, without compromising the survey quality and standards.


WVS will establish a survey team to oversee all the related activities. The DME team will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the evaluation/SMART survey activities. The DM&E team would also carries out surprise monitoring in order to assess quality of data collection. The Health and Nutrition Project team will also provide the necessary technical support required throughout the survey process.


Education: The consultant should hold an Advanced University Degree in Nutrition, Public Health, Epidemiology, Water Engineering, Agriculture/Livelihoods/Food Security, Biostatistics, Social Sciences, Monitoring & Evaluation or related discipline with the relevant technical knowledge in Survey Methodology, Research Methods etc.

Experience: Extensive experience (7-10 years) in coordinating and managing Evaluations/Baselines/Impact study/ nutrition SMART surveys is mandatory requirement. In particular, experience conductive evaluations based on DAC criteria in humanitarian settings (ANLAP) is mandatory; proven team leading and managerial experience, knowledge of working with conflict-affected populations and experience in managing SMART surveys in fragile contexts will be considered a plus.

Technical competence:

· The consultant must have a strong background in statistics and data analysis. Must know EPI info and Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) for SMART and all relevant computer applications in general.

· Excellent reporting and presentation skills.

· Excellent knowledge of Somalia and/ or other fragile context

· Excellent knowledge of and experience with humanitarian guidelines and principles.

· Fluency in English and local languages spoken in the working area is an advantage.

· Computer literacy in ENA Software, Epi Info or alternate statistical package, MS Word, MS Excel and PowerPoint.


The assessment report will follow the following format.

  1. Executive summary. This preliminary report will contain analysis on how the project worked towards the overall project outcome in food, WASH, H&N and present overview of the key outcome indicators. The report will also include analysis of key variables/indicators of interest under other sectors. The final report will be disseminated after it’s validated by MoH and nutrition cluster group.
  2. Introduction

o Geographic description of the survey area including the country, region, districts and villages among others. Type of setting (e.g rural, urban, camp), season when the survey was conducted.

o Description of the population. This includes the total number of people living in the survey area. Type of population (resident, IDPs, host community, returnees, refugees).

o Objectives of evaluation.

  1. Methodology

o Full Evaluation/ SMART survey design

o Sampling

o Survey teams among others

o Data quality control and plausibility checks.

  1. Results

This will correspond to the sampling method that has been applied in the field. At minimum, the following chapters should be include;

o Additional quantitative and qualitative data.

o Validation of accuracy, representativeness and precision of data. These have to be supported with the plausibility check to be added in annex

o The limitations of the results.

  1. Discussions including the interpretation of the results
  2. Conclusions and recommendations
  3. Annexes: Maps, tools used, plausibility check, row data etc.


Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following;

§ Letter of interest in submission of a proposal

§ A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following;

o Consultant/Company Profile

o Description of the Methodology

o Demonstrated previous and excellent experience in evaluation/SMART nutrition surveys is required and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of at least TWO most recent evaluation/SMART survey reports as evidence).

o Proposed data management plan (collection, processing and analysis).

o Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.

o Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).


I. Mandatory Requirements evaluation

a. Provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration, Certificate of incorporation, business license or similar document (Companies/Organizations)

b. Provide a certified copy of tax registration, tax clearance certificates or similar documents (Companies/Organization)

c. Individual tax registration documents (for individual consultants)

d. Provide information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner) (Companies/Organization)

e. Provide last two years of audited financial statements or tax filing, or similar documents (Companies/Organization)

f. Provide references from previous clients for similar works.(At least three)


Applicants need to be clearly articulate on following criteria, but not limited to;

a. Understanding of the TOR (General understanding of the project requirements; coverage of principal components as stipulated in the ToR)

b. Methodology (Adequacy of the proposed approach, methodology and work plan in line with ToR).

c. Experience- consultant’s general experience and record in the field covered by the ToR**

d. Previous experience(s) with similar assignments in a fragile context or in Somalia in particular**

e. Key staff (Experience, composition and records of the staff members to be assigned to the work, a consultant/firm with a combination of Somali Researchers is highly encouraged).**

III. Financial Evaluation

a. A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in United States dollars.

b. Payment Terms

c. Credit Period

§ A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in United States dollars.

12. Application Process

All interested bidders are requested to submit their Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before 17th May 2021.

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.

Email title should be; – GFFO End of Project Evaluation Consultancy Service

Your financial proposal should have your professional fee and any other related cost well tabulated. Financial proposal should not be part of the technical proposal, it should be a separate documents


As part of the Consultant selection process, the best candidates will be required to make a presentation of the technical proposal to the Supply Chain and Core Project Technical Team to inform the final decision on the award of the contract.

[1] Connectedness refers to the need to ensure that activities of a short-term emergency nature are carried out in a context that takes longer-term and interconnected problems into account.’

[2] In order to minimize chances of covid19 transmission, curiosity will be taken by consulting among MOH on the prevention methods. These may include the logistical arrangement (Thermogenesis, sufficient sanitizers, face masks, gloves) to be provided to the enumerator with sufficient orientation on the prevention measures.

Also secondary data review can be considered if the COVID-19 risk outweighs the benefit of conducting SMART survey

[3] Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

[4] All data collection tools should be designed by aligning the research questions with a gender and social inclusion emphasis.


How to apply

1. Application Process

All interested bidders are requested to submit their Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before 17th May 2021.

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.

Email title should be; – GFFO End of Project Evaluation Consultancy Service

Your financial proposal should have your professional fee and any other related cost well tabulated. Financial proposal should not be part of the technical proposal, it should be a separate documents


As part of the Consultant selection process, the best candidates will be required to make a presentation of the technical proposal to the Supply Chain and Core Project Technical Team to inform the final decision on the award of the contract.

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