Independent Verification Consultant – Environment, Health and Safety (Internationals Only) – Mogadishu, Somalia

CTG Global

Independent Verification Consultant – Environment, Health and Safety (Internationals Only) – Mogadishu, Somalia

Closing date 2 Jun 2021

CTG Overview

CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements.
In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peace building, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.

Overview of position

In late 2019 parts of Somalia experienced some of the worst flooding in the country’s recent historyresulting in several deaths and significant damage to infrastructure, crops, property, and livestock, as well as an invasion of desert locusts. Further to these events, a joint assessment was undertaken by the World Bank and the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to assess the losses and damage caused by the floods and to develop a strategy for immediate recovery and longer-term resilience building. As a result Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP) was developed and financed by the World Bank to the Federal Ministry of Finance (MoF). The project is aimed at supporting the recovery of livelihoods and infrastructure in flood and drought affected areas and strengthening the capacity for disaster preparedness nationwide, as well as implementing desert locust control measures. TheProject contracted the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation to address the desert locust crisis as part of broader regional efforts in the Horn of Africa. The specific objective of the engagement was to control the desert locust population though scaled up surveillance and monitoring, spraying of nymphs and hopper bands, and impact assessment, with local capacity building to carry out these operations safely and effectively. Since July 2020, FAO has implemented activities under the umbrella of the SCRP, including a focus on reducing locust population numbers in and around the breeding areas of northern Somalia. Regular surveillance has been conducted to plan and coordinate effective desert locust control operations.Somalia’s Desert Locust Units operating out of Hargeisa, Qardho and Dhusamareeb have beensurveying and monitoring the upsurge. FAO has been supporting the Government to responsibly handle and administer pesticides, reduce the associates risks and assess the positive and negative impacts of control interventions.

The SCRP Project Implementation Unit (PIU) established within the MoF is managing the project implementation with our client providing technical support in project activities design, implementation, monitoring and reporting, as well as Environmental and Social Safeguards monitoring. The Independent Verification Consultant will be part of our clients technical safeguards team providing a monitoring and verification service in regards to FAO’s desert locust control activities.

Role objectives

The Independent Verification Consultant is responsible for the verification of FAO desert locust control activities in Qardho and Dhusamareeb. More specific roles of the job are outlined below.

  • Verify the use of vehicle logs by the Ministry of Environmental and Agriculture and Climate Change / Puntland (MoEACC) at the two sites
  • Verify visits by the FAO Occupational, Health and Safety Specialist to both sites
  • Verify status of drum crusher and drum crushing activities by the MoEACC
  • Verify installation of air conditioner in the storage area in MoEACC Puntland
  • Verify the use of PPE for all relevant workers at the field level
  • Verify safe storage of all pesticide drums at the relevant locations
  • Verify adequacy of records on amount pesticides procured versus what has been used, to the tail end of empty containers generated from this activity. This is to ensure no pesticide nor empty drums ended up in wrong hands or wrong places.
  • Very storage facility adequacy for Pesticides and toxic substances
  • Verify the availability of the Grievance Redress Mechanism for the affected communities
  • Verify community awareness of the Grievance Redress Mechanism, if in place, in all the affected sites
  • Verify record of protected areas and how spraying over them has been avoided.
  • Take note of any other potential environmental, health and safety concern in regards to the desert locust control activities.
  • Assess how measurements of breeding sites and locations of desert locusts are identified
  • Verify training provided to MoEACC in relation to desert locust control
  • For the respective pesticides used, verify availability of Material Safety Data Sheets with MoFACC and the training plan being executed to equip the Ministry in handling of the same pesticides from procurement to final disposal.
  • Verify that community-based early warning system for desert locusts is in place and implemented by the MoEACC
  • Verify that there have been no reports of camel deaths reported due to spraying activities.
  • Verify roles and responsibilities of the Puntland base manager
  • Verify use of elocust 3 and whether this meets requirements of the SCRP Pest Management Plan (PMP)
  • Verify process of spray plans in plans
  • Verify timeline for final analysis of desert locust operations
  • Verify with Sadar Institute whether EIA is undertaken
  • Verify with Puntland MoACC whether capacity building efforts are provided
  • Verify whether data is available on eLocust 3.
  • Verify availability of international experts in the field
  • Verify safe management and disposal of used drums which should be treated as hazardous materials, in conformity with regulations governing pesticide disposal
  • Verify FAO compliance with SCRP environmental safeguards and PMP


  • Final report on all verification issues, additional observations on environmental, health and safety concerns, as well as recommendations for improvement where necessary

Project reporting

The successful candidate will report to our client’s Social Safeguards Adviser

Key competenciesFluency in written and spoken English is required

Team management

The role has no team management responsibility

Further information

Qualification and Experience

● Bachelor’s degree in environmental studies or related field is required. Post graduate qualifications with specialization in health and safety issues is desirable.

● Minimum 6 years of experience in environment, health and safety issue / environmental safeguards is required.

  • NEBOSH qualification and competency
  • Experience in environmental audits required
  • Experience in pest management issues is desirable
  • Working experience in Somalia is desirable.

How to apply…

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