INVITATION TO SUBMIT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (For Short listing of Companies/ Service Providers) – Baidoa, Somalia


INVITATION TO SUBMIT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (For Short listing of Companies/ Service Providers) – Baidoa, Somalia

FPU.SF- 19.4

Somalia Mission

INVITATION TO SUBMIT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (For Short listing of Companies/ Service Providers) Ref No: SOM/01/2021

27th May 2021

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental humanitarian organization established in 1951 and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits both migrants and society.

The Federal Government of Somalia has received Grants from the African Development Fund (ADF) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) – UN Agency as implementing Agency for the project to improve water supply and sanitation services in Baidoa town for both urban and peri urban communities including IDP’s and refugee returnees and intends to use part of Grant amount to finance the service contracts of implementing vendors (Construction companies) responsible for construction of all the proposed designs (Lot 1,2 & 3) for the planned water supply infrastructures in order to ensure on increasing access to safe water and improved sanitation in addition to strengthening capacity for improved delivery of water and sanitation services in Baidoa (South West State) and smooth implementation of the project..

The main components of the improve water supply and sanitation services in Baidoa town are.

Implementation of the approved designs of the water infrastructures which were developed based on the carried-out assessment work by consultancy engineering firms.


The Construction Company will be expected to be based in Baidoa (if not based there, they establish a site office & required associated facilities in Baidoa) to enable them to have access to the project sites which shall enable successful implementation of the work. The scope of the work is divided into three main lots:

Lot 1: Drilling of 20 No. boreholes in identified locations on site.

Lot 2: Borehole ancillaries, rising and transmission mains.

Lot 3: Ground reservoir and elevated tanks.

The scope of services and tasks the construction firm/company is undertake include (but not limited to):

Lot 1: Drilling of 20 No. boreholes in identified locations on site.

The construction firm is expected to implement the following activities under this lot:

Drilling of Five (5) No Boreholes to Maximum Depth of 130m

Drilling of Ten (10) No Boreholes to Maximum Depth of 150m

Drilling of five (5) boreholes to maximum depth of 200m

Lot 2: Borehole ancillaries, rising and transmission mains.

The construction firm is expected to implement the following activities under this lot:

Supply and Installation of Genset

Generator Houses and Fences

Elevated steel Tanks 48 m3

Rising Main to Zone Elevated Tanks

Gravity Mains to Ground Reservoir

Transmission mains

Lot 3: Ground reservoir and elevated tanks

Ground Reservoirs RC Tanks (2 No)

Construction of Steel Elevated Tank (300m3)

Based on the proposed designs, the implementing vendor is to offer operational and maintenance training on the designed infrastructure to the team that will be maintaining and managing the system including the team from the ministry of water in Baidoa.

Have all snags and defects list implemented and repaired after the project liability period to ensure that the project shall be fully functional during handover to the responsible technical and management team in Baidoa.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) – UN Agency invites construction companies specializing in water infrastructures implementation described above. Eligible and qualified consultants shall provide information on their ability and experience, showing their qualification for services of similar nature. The short-listing criteria are

The Expression of Interest shall contain information on the following:

General experience in water supply systems construction, large scale, or medium scale during the last Five (5) years and value of not less that USD 500,000. Specific experience in preparation and conducting water resources assessment using advanced techniques such as long profiles, VES, Seismic to establish with high degree of certainty the aquifer depth, yield, recharge, salinity as well as specific experience in accuracy and detailed Engineering Design (assessment on water demand, design of water reservoirs, water treatment plants, abduction main surface water and well field, design of primary and secondary and part of the tertiary.

Availability of key personnel (list, qualification, experiences)

Presence in Somalia (if any or willingness to work within Somalia context), provision of logistical and material means including all the required work equipment for all the activities in each respective location.

Financial Strength- Audited financial statement for three years

NB: Each reference will be summarized on a project sheet and will be considered only if the candidate attaches supporting documents indicating the contact information of the contracting authorities to facilitate verification of the information provided: Excerpts of contract (inner cover page and page with the signatures) or Attestation of good performance. Construction firms/companies may form groups to increase their chances of qualification.

The Application document should comprise of the following:

a. Cover Letter.

Duly Accomplished Annex A with All requested information.

Bidder Information (Name of the company, address, phone number, email. Fax, Address of Other Offices, if any, Name and Designation of the Contact Person, Legal Status (Provide certified copies of Registration) & VAT Registration number (certificate)

List of Awarded, on-Going and Completed Similar Contracts (Name of the project, Brief Description (similar to projects defined in EOI), Specific Location, start date, end date & amount in USD,

The Expression of Interest shall be submitted in original and duplicate copy and should be received by hand in a sealed envelope at either of the following IOM Offices no later than

1700 hours on 25th June 2021.

IOM Office Head Office in Aden Abdulle International Airport (AAIA), (Near Chinese Embassy). Mogadishu, Somalia

IOM Somalia Support Office in Nairobi

Physical address: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Premises (FAO), Ngecha Rd. Campus (corner of lower Kabete Rd), Nairobi, Kenya

The Application must be submitted on one original and one copy and envelop must be marked “Original” and “Copy” as appropriate. If there are any discrepancies between the original and the copy the original governs. Both envelopes shall be placed in an outer envelope and sealed. The outer envelope shall be labeled with the submission address, reference number and title of the Project and name of the Company/Service Provider

The eligibility criteria: the preparation of shortlist, and the selection procedure shall comply with IOM Rules and Procedures. Shortlist of construction firms/companies which present the best profiles shall be drawn up after the expression of interest. Also, the construction firms/companies that are part of an international network are to submit one expression of interest.

The working languages shall be English.


Interested Companies may obtain further information from IOM by writing to  from 8:00hrs-17:00hrs. IOM will respond to any request for clarification received on or before 15th June 2021.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Companies/Service Providers.

Very truly yours,


Bids Evaluation and Awards Committee

IOM is encouraging companies to use recycled materials or materials coming from sustainable resources or produced using a technology that has lower ecological footprints.




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