Perception Survey: Understanding the Intentions of Displacement Affected Communities on Resettlement to Luglow, Jubaland
Closing date 19 May 2021
Background and Context
Somalia represents one of the world’s most complex and long-standing humanitarian crises, where virtually 20 per cent of the population is currently displaced and a third in urgent need of humanitarian aid.[1] Although concerted efforts by the government and international partners have positioned Somalia on a positive trajectory towards recovery, the legacy of protracted instability is being exacerbated by intermittent climatic shocks, insecurity, and evictions. Forced evictions remain among the most severe and prevalent protection threats in Somalia, representing both a cause and a multiplier of the displacement crises. Congested cities with weak urban systems are struggling to cope as the complex interplay between natural hazards, climatic shocks, conflict and insecurity continues to drive mass displacements across the country. In 2020, the Protection and Returns Monitoring Network (PRMN) reported 1,336,000 new displacements within Somalia, a contributing factor in Somalia’s highly accelerated rate of urbanisation.[2]
Kismayo is the third largest city in Somalia and the capital of both the Lower Juba region and the Jubaland state. The city hosts large numbers of displaced affected communities and returning refugees. Drought and conflict are the main driver of displacement, together with voluntarily repatriation from the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya. The latest assessments show constantly rising numbers of IDPs, despite improving conditions in the region. In Kismayo for instance, 144 IDP sites have been identified hosting 12,010 households or 64,051 individuals.[3] Other 1,856 households are hosted in the IDP settlements of Midnimo and Madina, in the north of the town.[4] Older sites are usually small to mid-size unplanned settlement on private land.
New sites are divided between small, spontaneous settlement on private land, and new large planned sites built by humanitarian agencies on land allocated by the government. Since 2017, there has been an increasing sensibility on IDP housing needs. The effort of the State Government supported by the international community has been focused on the provision of high quality settlements and shelter. Large portions of land in the North of the city have been allocated for permanent housing units, built with bricks and with concrete foundations, and equipped with private pit latrines.
A recent joint assessment conducted by the Jubaland Refugees and IDP Agency (JRIA) found that out of the 144 IDP camps in Kismayo, 75 per cent of camps were rated as high risk of evictions; 3% of the IDPs in Kismayo pay tenancy fees to the respective landlords; 21% of the IDPs settlements were flooded during the recent heavy rain pours experienced in Kismayo; and 41% of the IDPs structures were damaged by the heavy Gu’ rains.
Given the challenges identified above and the constantly growing numbers or DACs in Kismayo, the Government of Jubaland decided to seek for a long-term, large-scale solution. An area of about 24km2 has been identified for the possible relocation most of the IDP communities. The site is in close proximity to Luglow, a riverine village approximately 18 kilometres North of Kismayo town on the main road to Mogadishu with a population close to 350 people, mainly agro-pastoralists communities. The government aims to relocate a total of 10,560 DAC households (1,182 HHs in phase 1; 3546 HHs in phase 2; 6132 HHs in phase 3). The site is close to the existing village of Luglow also known as Qamqam, Yontoi and Gobweyene. The prevailing land use of the area is agricultural although many parts are vacant. The existence of QamQam Village is seen as an opportunity, as it provides potential axes to direct development. However, there are currently no services of public facilities (schools, health centres, markets) in the existing settlement. In this sense, the development of Luglow site and related public facilities could also cover the needs of the village. Additionally, the resettlement site is far from town and lacks reliable links to transportation among the Luglow site and Kismayo Town. In order to therefore inform the relocation plans and potential investment, a number of pre-assessments have been carried out in order to ensure sustainability. In this regard, it is important to better understand the perceptions and intentions of displaced populations with regards to possible relocation to Luglow. This will inform the planning process and investment in the site.
The main objective of this perception survey is to get a comprehensive picture of the preferences, perceptions and intentions of DACs living in settlements at highest risk of evictions, congestion and flooding in Kismayo towards their possible relocation to Luglow site. The survey will also focus on:
- Factors that would contribute to the realization and sustainability of their preferred durable solution process;
- Perceptions of relations/dynamics with host communities in Luglow.
- Identify any protection risks and concerns with regards to the relocation exercise that need to be taken into account.
With this in mind, NRC is seeking an external consultant/firm to carry out a perception survey through structured interviews (based on a questionnaire), key informant interviews with government officials and camp leaders, and focus group discussions. This would involve:
1. Design survey and methodological approach- sampling (at least 350 HHs to be surveyed), key informant interviews with government officials and camp leaders, focus group discussions, timelines, field-work related information and logistics.
- Bring survey research experience to bear in providing inputs on question design and methodological and logistical issues for the survey
- Translate materials from English into Somali
- Prepare an inception report describing the process to be followed for data collection, processing and analysis, and the locations of the study.
- Profiling of displaced households targeted- Disaggregation by sex, age, location, socio-economic status, etc
2. Carry out primary data collection and data processing for the survey, through structured interviews (based on a questionnaire) in Kismayo (mainly targeting IDP sites that have been identified at highest risk of evictions, flooding and congestion), key informant interviews with key government officials and camp leaders, focus group discussions.
- Preparation of database for data processing
- Conduct pre-testing of the survey
- Carry out survey, KIIs and FGDs in Kismayo
- Data processing
- Translation of material as far as possible between English and Somali.
3. Analysis of data and development of final survey report
- Provision of statistical analysis, with oversight from Durable solutions manager
- Translation of material as far as possible between English and Somali
- Production of Graphics, Tables and other visual presentation of material
- Electronic production of the final report.
- Inception Report (with PowerPoint presentation) outlining the consultant(s)’ understanding of the Terms of Reference, scope, survey design, methodological approach. The inception report to also outline the work plan.
- All the data collection tools and data collected (raw, summarized or otherwise)
- Comprehensive analytical report based on the survey findings including recommendations for areas of follow up.
The deliverables will be approved by the NRC Durable solutions manager. The consultant/firm will be expected to arrange and cover the costs of consultancy fee, field work other logistics associated with the assignment. NRC will provide useful project documents and data that will inform this exercise.
The work is expected to be completed in 30 working days – the exact timing will depend on the final agreement with NRC.
- The consultancy firm is registered and specialises in conducting qualitative and quantitative research.
- The consultancy firm has more than 5 years’ experience of conducting a variety of surveys in Somalia, including opinion polls and other forms of perception or intention surveys.
- The consultancy firm can demonstrate ability to field experienced teams to conduct face-to-face interviews on sensitive subject matter, in a timely and organised fashion.
- The consultancy firm has impeccable record of confidentiality and sensitivity, and be able and willing to handle sensitive information, ensuring anonymity of respondents whilst safeguarding access to the raw data for partners stated in this Terms of Reference.
- The consultancy firm can demonstrate sound financial accountability.
- The consultancy firm and be able to use to a high level, data entry and data analysing software such as CS Pro and SPSS, and be able to provide visual graphics of data, such as charts produced in Microsoft Excel. Experience in graphic design will be an advantage, but not required.
- The consultancy firm has a good track record of working with international organisations such as international NGOs or the UN in Somalia; in particular, a good track record in previous work with NRC is required.
- Inception Meeting with NRC
- Inception report
- Desk review of relevant project documents and data
- Development, pre-testing and validation of the survey questionnaire
- Finalization of assessment tools including scripting of questions on ODK/Kobo tools, if applicable.
- Data collection
- Data analysis and preparation of the draft report
- Validation of draft report
- Final Report and PowerPoint presentation
How to apply
Application Procedures and Requirements
The consultant/consulting firm interested are expected to provide following documentation:
- A cover letter introducing the consultant. In the case of a firm, the cover letter should introduce the team composition and specifying the role to be played by each team member.
- A technical proposal of not more than 10 pages outlining how to execute the task with a clear framework, methodology and timelines. Proposed methodology should demonstrate a clear understanding of the ToR (sampling framework, data collection strategy/methods)
- Resume of the consultant, or each team member for firms
- Evidence of experience conducting similar assignments
- Proposed budget indicating consultancy fee, costs of enumerators/ data collection, and all other auxiliary costs in USD.
All applications should be addressed to so.jlprocurement@nrc.no on or before 19th May, 2021, referencing ‘Perception survey: Understanding the intentions of DACs on resettlement to Luglow, Jubaland’ in the subject of the email.
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To apply for this job email your details to so.jlprocurement@nrc.no