Puntland Minority Women Development Organization (PMWDO) is a Community Service Organization (CSO) supporting all communities especially the vulnerable and minorities in emergencies and in need of humanitarian assistance. Our key interventions cuts across the education, health , nutrition, protection, livelihood and other cross cutting interventions. Our offices are located in Galckaio,Garowe and Bossaso.
PMWDO is currently seeking qualified and eligible service providers in various service lines to support implementation of its activities cutting across various programmes to provide services across various locations in Puntland.
We are seeking potential suppliers who can supply the following services/goods.
PREQUAL No | Service | Location of services |
PREQ-PMWDO/001/2021 | Provision of Learning Materials (Notebooks, pens, bags, and sports equipment) | Nugaal, Bari,Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/002/2021 | Sanitary pads /Dignity kits (Pants, bathing and washing soaps, and basin) | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/003/2022 | School Feeding /Food materials (Rice, flour, Sugar, Cooking oil, Tea leaves) | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/004/2022 | Water tracking | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/005/2022 | School furniture | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/006/2022 | Construction of learning spaces | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/007/2022 | Construction of gender segregated latrines | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/008/2022 | Provision and construction of PVC water storage tanks (capacity 2,000 liters) to schools | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/009/2022 | Rehabilitation of Schools infrastructure | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/010/2022 | Construction of Hand-washing Stations for school children | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/011/2022 | Vehicle rent (4WD Land cruisers) | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/012/2022 | Training stationeries | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/013/2022 | Developing/Broadcasting Programs ( Advocacy and Social awareness) through Media TV and Radio | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/014/2022 | IEC Materials ( Posters, flyers, billboards/stickers-twice) | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/015/2022 | Transport/Minibuses for transport of children | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/016/2022 | School Uniform | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
PREQ-PMWDO/017/2022 | Hotel conference facilities (Hotel venue, stationeries and Refreshments) | Nugaal, Bari, Mudug, Sool and Sanaag |
All the interested service providers/vendors must completed Vendor Application Form to apply and MUST include the following documents;
Vendors to supply goods and services
- Completed Vendor Application Form
- Company profile;
- List of directors with their telephone and ID/Passport Numbers;
- Current registration certificate;
- Previous experience for similar nature of services: Provide either 3 high value contracts or Local purchase orders from previous clients for last 3 years.
- Good financial position: Provide either Latest audited report, or bank statement for 6 months with one year statement of income and expenditure signed by company management.
- Latest tax receipt or proof of payment of tax.
Companies /Contractors providing ser
- Completed Vendor Application Form
- Car ownership log book (Attach letter of attorney if the current owner name is different from the name in car log book)
- Name and valid driver license
- Road Tax Clearance Certificates
- Mechanical Inspection Report which details comprehensive conditions and service of the vehicle from Mechanic.
- Year of manufacture of vehicle similar with the date indicated in log books
Instructions to suppliers
- All vendors interested must deliver their Expression of Interests (EOI) to our officesby 03 JUNE 2021 by 00 PM local time. The interested service providers can also send their expression of interest through email procurement@pmwdo.org. Any submissions past the deadline will be rejected.
Instructions for submission (Can be delivered through email or Physical delivery):
Physical delivery:(i) Deliver in a sealed envelope (ii) Indicate PREQUALIFICATION NUMBER in the envelope. The vendors who deliver physically must sign vendors register.
Email: Send with the subject email indicating the PREQUALIFICATIONNUMBER.
NOTE:Service providers interested to provide more than one services will send their expression of interest in separate sealed envelopesor in separate emails.
You are requested to email: info@pmwdo.org
- All the information in the EOI must be consistent.
- All the service providers must comply with PMWDO Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse(PSEA) guidelines .
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/QaranJobs.so
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/somaliajobs
Linkedin: https://so.linkedin.com/company/qaranjobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QaranJobs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qaranjobs
To apply for this job email your details to info@pmwdo.org