Save the Children has worked in Somalia/Somaliland since 1951 and has provided emergency assistance since 1970 whenever there has been need. In 2016, SCI directly reached 600,936 children. Each year about 650,000 people benefit from our longer term development work in Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Education, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Child Protection and Child Rights Governance.
Since the declaration of drought in 2017, SCI scaled up Integrated Lifesaving Assistance for Drought and Conflict-Affected Populations in Somalia covering Bakool Region and Bay regions of Somalia. The project was integrated covering health, nutrition, WASH, shelter/NFI, and agriculture & food security approach targeting the most affected populations in Baidoa and other locations. Under nutrition SCI implemented Outpatient Therapeutic Feeding (OTP) services for children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme for moderately malnourished children through both fixed and mobile outreach teams. In addition to this, IYCF was a key component of the project aiming at influencing change of attitude and behavior through use of community counsellors, running of care groups (MTMSG and MSG) and capacity building of community resource persons to implement IYCF. Some of the indicators for the projected included EBF and dietary diversity which the KAP intend to capture. Under WASH, the project aimed at improving supply infrastructure, sanitation infrastructure and hygiene promotion and was run in an integrated manner with Nutrition and Health.
It is for this purpose that the Integrated IYCF and WASH KAP is planned to establish the extend of achievement of the interventions above.
Scope of Work:
The Consultant will be responsible for reviewing existing program documents to get the required indicators, Previous KAP surveys to get parameters for sample size calculation, develop protocol for the end line integrated KAP survey and manage the assessment. This will allow a comprehensive analysis of the progress of the Integrated WASH and IYCF KAP using both quantitative indicator estimations, program information over the years and qualitative data to be collected. The KAP will cover key indicators of WASH and Nutrition (IYCF).
Main objectives:
Estimate key WHO IYCF standard indicator levels and establish WASH indicators covering water supply and handling, WASH infrastructure, Feacal handling and personal hygiene.
Specific objectives:
- Estimate the rate of early initiation, EBF, continued breastfeeding up to 1 and 2 Years.
· Find out (%) Proportion of timely introduction to solid and semi solid foods.
· Estimate the MDD, MMF and MAD
· Estimate water supplied per beneficiary in liters per person per day
· Estimate percentage of HHs collecting all water for drinking and hygiene from improved water sources
· Estimate proportion of people using latrines for defecation
· Establish knowledge and practice of 5 critical handwashing incidences.
· Estimate proportion of HH with appropriate water storage practices.
The survey will combine quantitative and qualitative methods. A structured questionnaire will be administered randomly at household level in the target areas. Respondents in each household will be asked about water, sanitation and hygiene. Mothers in each randomly selected household will be asked about IYCF. The questionnaires will be supplemented by observations of homestead surroundings to ascertain the recorded practices and through focus group, discussions with women of child bearing age, grandmothers and Traditional birth attendants as well as group of men on IYCF practice will be conducted. Another questionnaire will be applied to care takers of children under five in OTP at each OTP sites to ass the knowledge related to IYCF. The Survey will be carried out in intervention population with similar data collected from a similar nonintervention area for comparison purposes. SCI M&E teams will lead in the selection of locations.
Due to the nature of high sample size for IYCF indicators, sample required for WASH is expected to be adequately covered within the sample. However, this must be demonstrated in the methodology where the sample will be calculated separately and the two converged to allow for acceptable precision for all indicators.
Data collection
· The nutrition and WASH program have tools that have been used for KAP surveys. These tools will be used with modifications as necessary with approval of the relevant technical lead. Enumerators who will be supervised by the consultant will collect the data for this survey. SC staff will be responsible for coordination of the survey and making all the logistical arrangements for data collection.
· All data will be collected on Kobo application and will be accessed by both SCI focal person and consultant on real-time basis.
Specific task for the consultant
· Develop and submit inception report (Protocol) which will include an interpretation of the tasks and design methodologies, which will be used in the KAP study.
· Develop appropriate tools and instruments for gathering information by using Kobo and present original copy to the contact person in the research department.
· Present KAP methodology to the Somalia AIM Working group for validation.
· Conduct a desk review (nutrition Survey reports, Baseline report and other KAP surveys) relevant to the survey.
· Conduct KAP survey: Train data enumerators and ensure quality of data being collected on daily basis. Undertake KII and FGD with key stakeholders in the field.
· Process and analyze the data, submit the draft report and present the findings at the AIM WG. Revise the report and based on the AIM and internal SCI technical feedback, submit a final report to the nutrition and research department of SCI.
· Develop actionable recommendations context based which include specific recommendations based on evidence at district level.
Consultancy Deliverables
· Inception report with methodology and financial proposal.
· Draft report and PPT presentation slides to the AIM WG.
· All data collected on ODK- using Kobo or ONA platform as repository.
· All instruments used for data collection.
Protocol development
3 days
Presentation to aim WG
1 days
Desk review
2 days
Travel to and from the field
1 day
2 days
Training and organizing survey team
6 days
Data collection
7 days
Data Analysis and first draft
6 days
Presentation at AIM WG
1 day
Final report submission
5 days
The survey is to be conducted in Somalia in the following districts: Baidoa, Hudur, Lughaya and Baki.
Profile Required.
Experience in Public Health, Nutrition and related fields. Experience in Somalia context is desirable.
Prior experience in conducting Nutrition, health and WASH assessments. Having conducted similar assignment in Somalia will be an advantage.
Solid analytical, result based planning, report writing, communication and diplomacy skills with ability to correlate different data sets to actionable conclusions.
English language skills (report should be written in English). Ability to make clear presentations and disseminate findings to both technical and non-technical audience.
Final KAP Survey Format:
Executive Summary
Introduction and justification
Literature review
Propositions on strategy for the health campaigns for based on results found
How to Apply:
Applications Interested candidates should present an application, as follows:
· A Technical inception report detailing: – Technical reference of previous similar works – Methodological note with a proposition regarding organization and execution of survey.
· A Financial proposal with a detailed budget taking considering the details in the ToR and timelines therein.
· Application Submission address: indicating “Integrated KAP (ICYF, WASH) assessment” as the subject. Deadline for submission is Monday 14th May 2018.