Sputum Sample Transportation From Peripheral Satellite Sites to Puntland Sites

World vision Somalia

Sputum Sample Transportation From Peripheral Satellite Sites to Puntland Sites


World vision Somalia office, invites qualified suppliers to make an offer for the establishment of a Contract for the provision of sample handling and Transport (referred to hereinafter as “Services”) under the terms and condition contained herein.
World vision Somalia County office will award a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) to the best technical and financial offer, valid from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022 (with an option to extend an additional 19 months based on satisfactory performance according to World Vision Somalia and NTP needs in the respective Zones for handling and transportation services of sputum samples. Individual service contracts will be issued based on the LTA. World Vision Somalia has the right to issue more than one LTA for the same services.
Figures are indicative and do not represent a commitment that World vision will utilize a certain quantity. Quantities may vary and will depend on the actual requirements.


Provide transport services for TB management units supported by World Vision Somalia in respective regions and districts including physical receipt, transport and delivery of goods and accurate documentation and reporting. Below are requested services to be provided by supplier/ service provider transportation of Sputum samples from Satellite TB Management Units in all the regions and Districts to GeneXpert TB management Units.


The Service Provider will provide onward delivery from the satellite sites (TBMUS) to GeneXpert sites listed: There are 8 GeneXpert sites and 7 satellite sites in Puntland.


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