Tender Notice For Rehabilitation of three Barkeds in Daba-gumbuur and Shilimaale villages, Odweine District and Rehabilitation of Xidh-Xidh earth dam, Odweine District, Somaliland
Tender Notice:
Subject: Rehabilitation of three Barkeds in Daba-gumbuur and Shilimaale villages, Odweine District and Rehabilitation of Xidh-Xidh earth dam, Odweine District
Date: 7th June 2021
Agricultural Development Organization – ADO is a local, non-governmental, non-profit seeking organization established in 1993 that endeavors to promote agricultural sector, water accessibility, farmers’ capacity and environmental protection and conservation in order to empower and improve livelihood conditions of the poor agro-pastoral community in Somaliland through rights-based approach. ADO values development-oriented programs to ensure sustainability of institutions and interventions for poverty eradication especially those targeting vulnerable and marginalized groups in Somaliland.
ADO with the partnership of Development Fund of Norway (DF) is implementing Community Resilience in Somaliland (CRISP) and Building local Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change (BRAC) projects funded by European Union (EU) and Norad in Sanaag and Togdheer regions. The overall objective of the project is to increase the resilience of communities in Somaliland and Puntland to reduce the vulnerability of communities and households to climate related shocks and disasters,
ADO is inviting submission qualified contractors to apply bid for the following construction service;
NO. | Description |
1 | Rehabilitation of three Barkeds in Daba-gumbuur and Shilimaale villages, Odweine District. |
2 | Rehabilitation of Xidh-Xidh earth dam, Odweine District |
Detailed specification and drawings are included tender document, all eligible bidders are requested to visit ADO Hargeisa office to collect the complete tender package. If you are interested in submitting a bid, please collect the tender documents form.
Tender closing date is June 19, 2021 at 1:30pm. All completed tender should be summited in sealed envelope to be bring Hargeisa office. The envelope should indicate the tittle of tender notice, but have no other details related to the bid.
Late bids should be rejected and no liability will be accepted for loss, late delivery or non-delivery.
For further clarification and Queries should be directed to adojob123@gmail.com , or call: 0634849727
Agricultural Development Organization (ADO)
Hargeisa office, Somaliland
Near young Muslim Academy or Sha’ab court area
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