Terms of Reference for IPC consultant at Hargeisa Group Hospital – Somaliland

King’s Global Health Partnerships (KGHP)

Terms of Reference for IPC consultant at Hargeisa Group Hospital – Somaliland

Terms of Reference for IPC consultant at Hargeisa Group Hospital

Background and context

King’s Global Health Partnerships (KGHP) works with health facilities, academic institutions, and governments to strengthen health systems and improve the quality of care in four countries: Somaliland, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. KGHP has been working in Somaliland to help strengthen the health system and improve the quality of care since 2000. We work with our partners to improve education and in-service training for health professionals, and strengthen policy and regulation, hospital management, and research. Key partners include the Ministries of Health and Education, health regulators, medical and nursing schools, and hospitals.

The project

KGHP and Hargeisa Group Hospital (HGH) will be implementing a six-month (May – October 2021) project to contribute to reduced risk of Covid-19 transmission at Hargeisa Group Hospital by strengthening the triage of Covid patients and establishing an Infection Prevention Control (IPC) programme.

The Ministry of Health and Development (MoHD) conducted an IPC assessment of HGH. The exercise assessed the hospital against the Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Framework (IPCAF) checklist and found it to be inadequate, with low performance on the following areas: IPC programmes, guidelines, education and training, monitoring and audit. This project aims to strengthen the hospitals’ Covid-19 response by responding to the recommendations in the IPC assessment. Since this assessment, 10HGH staff participated in a WHO Infection Prevention Control training of trainers. The project will support these individuals to drive change on IPC.

The Role

We are looking for an IPC Consultant with the experience outlined below that can support the project and the hospital achieve the deliverables in this Terms of Reference. The consultant will be responsible for supporting HGH management team to establish a systematic hospital-wide approach to improve IPC practice. We are looking for an individual with extensive experience in improving IPC practices in hospitals, including experience of developing IPC policies and guidelines and designing and delivering training, preferably in the Somaliland context.

The consultancy will involve working with and building capacity of individuals within the hospital that will be responsible for implementing an IPC action plan. The consultant will be able to access support from UK health professionals with expertise in IPC who work with King’s Global Health Partnerships on a voluntary basis. Volunteers will be able to support all the deliverables listed below.


  1. Establish HGH IPC committee; including developing Terms of Reference for their remit, objectives and membership and monitoring their performance.
  2. Working with the IPC Committee, develop an implementation plan to strengthen IPC at the hospital and support initial implementation, addressing the findings of WHO IPC assessment.
  3. Develop policies, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for IPC in HGH, along with key performance indicators for monitoring by the IPC committee.
  4. Provide advice to nominated HGH IPC officer and committee members in their IPC responsibilities at different levels of the hospital.
  5. Co-develop training material for IPC and waste management with King’s volunteers.
  6. Lead delivery of training in IPC and waste management (estimated 7 days of training in total) for the following groups:
    1. 56 HGH cleaners,
    2. 15 HGH waste handlers,
    3. 10 HGH admin and leadership staff
    4. 30 HGH medical and laboratory staff



The budget that has been allocated for the consultant against these deliverables is $1,320.

Roles and Responsibilities

Kings Global Health Partnerships (KGHP) is the grant holder, responsible for distributing funds and meeting contractual requirements for this project. KGHP will recruit, onboard and coordinate UK volunteers in the design training for health workers, provision of remote technical advice on triaging Covid patients and IPC.

Hargeisa Group Hospital (HGH) is responsible for implementing project activities in coordination with KGHP. The IPC Consultant will be reporting to the HGH COVID-19 Coordinator that will be monitoring their progress with deliverables and objectives under the project. The Consultant will be responsible for coordinating health worker training, monitoring the implementation of activities and working with the HGH COVID-19 Coordinator on data collection for reporting to the donor.

THET Somaliland is responsible for financial management, procurement and reporting under this project.

Application Process

Suitable candidates are invited to submit their CV and Cover Letter to kghp@kcl.ac.uk with the subject ‘IPC Consultant, Somaliland’ by the 23rd of May 2021. An interview with KGHP and HGH will be scheduled for a few days after the application deadline.



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To apply for this job email your details to kghp@kcl.ac.uk

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