Save the Children
Closing date: 18 Dec 2024
Organization: Save the Children
Title of Consultancy
SCI Contracting Office
Save the Children Somalia Country Office
Period of Consultancy
15 working days starting from the date of signing the contractual agreement
Consultant type required
Consultant firm/Individual
Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs
Save the Children will pay the fees for the consultancy in a lump sum and will not reimburse any incurred costs during the assignment. The consultant will cover their Logistical arrangements and costs in the country to coordinate and implement the consultancy.
Taxation Provisions
The consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.
Travel requirements
The consultant will cover their travel costs (tickets) and arrange local travel to field sites if needed
Security requirements
The consultant will comply with standards of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia.
Qualification and Experience
- Advanced University degree (Master Level minimum) in Conflict Resolution/Management, Peace Studies and Practice, Development Studies, Political Science or relevant field
- Minimum of 10 years of relevant practical field experience in scholarly work/ implementing conflict mitigation and management programs, peace building
- Demonstrated experience in conducting assessments, facilitating conflict management processes, or developing manuals and or tool kits for conflict intervention
- Familiarity with community-based and participatory approaches
- Familiarity with USAID conflict analysis framework
- Fluency in English required and excellent analytical and communication skills in English
- Familiarity with Somalia; understanding of the local language and knowledge of the cultural setting is an advantage
- Substantial project experience in implementing field research with vulnerable populations in hard-to-reach areas in Somalia and other similar contexts preferred.
- Advanced software knowledge of commonly used tools for data collection and analysis, including Kobo Toolbox (for digital data collection), Commcare and R, Stata etc.
- Extensive network of highly qualified team leaders and local enumerators in the CDCS focal zone.
- Detail oriented to ensure quality and consistency during data collection.
Selection Criteria
The proposals submitted by consulting companies will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Essential Criteria
- Valid Registration certificate from the ministry of commerce and industry of Federal Government of Somalia.
- A valid Tax Compliance Certificate from Finance of Federal Government of Somalia.
NB: Individuals are no required to submit registration certificates.
Capability Criteria (Technical Evaluation):
Evaluation Criteri
A. Technical Criteria
- Understanding nature and scope of work including Desk review /Secondary information related to country level Reports, assessment, Strategies, on conflict, Up-to-date information on conflict in the target locations; Existing opportunities and challenges; Mapping and consultation of Stakeholders- who have stake on the subject matter) 10 points
- Expertise and experience of the firm related to the work (conflict mapping and analysis) 20 points
- Professional team composition and qualifications (Qualified and experienced Data collectors, preferably worked on similar assessments ) 10 points
- Methodology and Sampling (Data Type, Source of data, sampling technique, proportions of sampled HHs/FGDs/KIIs tools offered, quality assurance, Proposed Analytic Techniques etc.) Points
- Implementation (work) plan 10 points
6. Sustainability Policy 10 points
B. Financial Criteria 20 points
Application Procedure
Submit your response in accordance with the guidance provided in the below document:
Application can be submitted either Electronic Submission via ProSave (Highly Recommended)
Option 1: ProSave (Highly Recommended)
Bidders are encouraged to apply via Ariba system (prosave) Please request the Ariba link via email sending your company profile and Business registration certificate/CV to the email. Please address your request to
Option 2: Email Submission:
Qualified Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to
Please note the following.
• Email should be addressed to and should not be send any tender documents.
- Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails.
- Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.
- All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.
- Submissions must be made to this email, attaching all relevant documentation.
- Interested consultant (s) who meet the consultancy requirements are requested to submit their bid and each application package should include the above required minimum requirements.
Do not send tender related questions to this email address: somalia.sstenders@savethechildren.orgas they will not be answered. The subject of the email should be “CONFLICT MAPPING AND ANALYSIS
Only shortlisted bidders will be contacted.
All data that will be collected should be considered as SCI properties and may not be used for other purposes
Closing date for Applications
Interested consultants shall submit their applications through the above procedures on or before. 18th December 2024.
- Introduction
Over the past 30 years, Somalia has experienced a surge in violent conflicts. These conflicts have resulted in human loss, large-scale displacements, injuries, and material damage. Violent conflicts have proven increasingly disruptive and lethal to local populations; they also seriously undermine livelihood strategies and countries’ prospects for development. Widespread poverty, malnutrition, and weakened governance are prevalent in Somalia, where 20 percent of the population are internally displaced (IDPs) and are among the most vulnerable. Fleeing the impacts of conflict, climate change, and natural disasters, many IDPs leave behind the protections of their clan structure and access to livelihoods to move into IDP camps or the surrounding areas. The camps can connect IDPs with live-saving humanitarian aid. Protracted conflict can have a significant impact not only on devastating people’s livelihood strategies but also on increasing incidents of sexual and gender-based violence, including of girls. Conflict-related events can affect children’s psychological and emotional well-being.
This TOR, therefore, explores key drivers of conflict in the target area and its impact on livelihood interventions and women and youth. The assessment will identify conflict triggers, gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics between the IDPs and host communities and other actors (Gate keepers) and devise possible strategies on how to mitigate it for effective Activity programming.
- The Project (Adkeeysi)
Resilience Food Security Activity(RFSA)/Adkeeysi is Five-year project lead by Save the Children (SC) and its partners, Fondazione AVSI (AVSI), Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO), and Shaqodoon Organization (Shaqodoon) to achieve the goal of “extremely poor, socially marginalized populations in IDP settlements and surrounding host communities improve and maintain their food security despite shocks and stresses.” Adkeeysi, which means “resilience” in Somali will target 54,000 households (HHs), containing 378,000 people, with a locally customized classic graduation approach (GA) that carefully and deliberately sequences and layers five graduation components.
The purpose is for socially marginalized populations in both IDP camps and surrounding host communities to achieve resilience and sustainably graduate out of poverty. This will be achieved through an integrated, gender-sensitive approach to deliver three complementary results/purposes:
Purpose 1: Social capital strengthened
Purpose 2: Human capital increased
Purpose 3: Prosperous and resilient livelihoods improved and sustained.
The Adkeeysi Activity focuses on two geographies, Mogadishu and Afgoye, prioritizing the Daynile region of Mogadishu, Afgoye town, and the Afgoye Corridor that connects Daynile to Afgoye. Selection of those areas was based on several factors, including the estimated numbers of IDPs and impacted host communities; the existing operational footprint and experience of the consortium partners; and possibilities for strategic synergies with ongoing public-funded programs and private sector actors, along with opportunities for urban-rural linkages.
- Objective of the Assessment
Save the Children and its implementing partners planned to conduct a conflict analysis in south and central Somalia specifically in the Daynile, Afgoye and Afgoye corridor of Mogadishu Banadir region.
The key objective of the conflict assessment is to identify the key source/drivers of conflict in the target locations that might negatively impact the lives and activities of women and youth. The assessment will collect and analyze data on issues that trigger conflict between host communities and IDPs between IDPs camps and other actors in their surroundings. The assessment will also look at the various livelihood activities that may have the potential to be a source of conflict and inform the program design while choosing potential livelihood options.
Specific Objectives
- To identify the root causes, drivers, and dynamics of conflict between IDP and host communities of the program area, between IDP camps, etc.
- Map out the key actors involved or affected by the conflict, including their interests, relationships, and influence on the conflict in view of the Adkeeysi program interventions.
- Evaluate how the program’s activities may inadvertently exacerbate tensions or contribute to conflict mitigation.
- Identify potential risks and entry points for conflict within the Adkeeysi program and develop strategies to prevent or minimize negative impacts to the community.
- Provide actionable insights for adapting interventions and maintain program relevance and effectiveness.
- Clearly map the clan dynamics women and youth roles (aged 18-35) and marginalized groups in the target location, access to basic services and locally adapted inclusive practices
Key areas of inquiry
The consultant will be tasked to explore the following thematic areas during the analysis 1) Household Dynamics and Decision-Making, 2) Economic Participation of women and youth, 3) Gender-Based Violence (GBV), 4) Participation in project Governance activities, and 5) Impact of Conflict and Displacement on Gender Roles among others.
- Methodology of conducting the Assessment
The assessment will use both secondary (Desk review) and primary data sources and will apply diverse qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. The study methods should clearly show the below areas of focus.
- Desk information Collection related to the conflict in Somalia in general and program operational areas in particular
- Review thoroughly the available Secondary information and conduct cross-validation to verify and feed into the current study/assessment.
- Conduct Exhaustive Qualitative Assessment (FDGs and KIIs) on youth groups, women groups, Clan leaders, elders, Local VSLAs groups, and local authorities, gate keepers etc.
- Run Quantitative survey on youth and women perception of conflict and how it impacts their livelihoods
- Conduct conflict Mapping to understand drivers, trends, parties etc. The mapping will include enlisting the overall key actors in the community IDP camps, understanding people’s perception/view
- Apply feasible analytic techniques subject to diverse data collection methods and assuring data quality, consistency and relevance
These key principles will further guide the methodology of the conflict analysis:
- Participatory: This should be participatory and inclusive, with the active involvement of local communities and stakeholders.
- Informed consent: All participants should be informed about the purpose of the activity and their rights, and they will provide their informed consent to participate.
- Confidentiality: The confidentiality of all participants will be protected.
- Accuracy: The analysis should be conducted accurately and impartially.
- Relevancy: The findings will be relevant to the needs of the IDP and host population of the project (Activity) area
- Sensitivity: The conflict analysis should take into consideration the values and ethical standards of the conflicts and adhere to the Do no harm principle
- Deliverables/Scope of Work
The consultant is supposed to deliver a full-fledged report on comprehensive conflict mapping and analysis focusing on Women and Youth in Daynile and Afgooye IDPs and Host community encompassing the below areas of work.
- Scope of Work
The consultant should deliver the below scope of work addressing the key objectives of this assessment and methodology of the assessment:-
- Clearly Mapping and conducting analysis of the key actors engaging in conflict, including influences, interests, and relationships within the IDP camps, between IDP and host communities in the Daynile and Afgoye areas.
- Identified the key root causes, drivers of conflict and conflict dynamic in the target location for women and youth in view of Adkeyssi programming
- Conduct through scenario analysis how the Adkeeysi program activities may inadvertently exacerbate tensions or contribute to conflict mitigation and propose possible mitigation means to harmonize interventions.
- Address the target locations’ specific issues in relation to DO NO HARM principles and Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), which need to be flagged for the program implementation.
- Identify potential risks and entry points for conflict within the program and develop strategies to prevent or minimize negative impacts to the community.
- Provide actionable insights for adapting interventions and maintain program relevance and effectiveness.
- Clearly map the clan dynamics of women’s roles and marginalized groups in the target location, access to basic services, and locally adapted inclusive practices- what is the current trend, how should the program respond, and what approaches to flow?
- Inception Report
The report should address the below at minimum –
- Conflict Analysis framework, which shall align with USAID conflict analysis requirements.
- Methodologies such as clear outlines of FGDs and KII checklist, survey questionnaires. The inception report should also clearly explain the sampling methodology and sample size for the quantitative survey and clearly and logically explain the number of FGDs and KIIs planned in each location. All survey tools should clearly align and address core issues identified in (a), Conflict Analysis Framework
- Revised Implementation Timeline (Gantt chart showing detailed activity breakout by start and end date).
- The consultant will facilitate a half-day conflict analysis planning workshop (meeting) with participants from SC GREDO, AVSI, Shaqadoon, and other stakeholders to be invited by SC to validate items listed from (a) to (c) above, as well as providing their inputs to the assessment.
Inception Report incorporating issues indicated from (a) to (d). The consultant cannot start the data collection process without the Approval of the Inception Report by Save the Children.
- Submission of first draft of conflict analysis study report
- Draft report
- Training curriculum for training Adkeeysi staff on conflict analysis and conflict-sensitive programming
- Submission of final edited report (please see annex 1- Report outline)
Specific deliverables include:
- Assessment design, data collection tools, and sampling frame
- Enumerator training, field testing of tools, and refining as necessary
- Submit all working files, raw data, and final datasets
- Comprehensive analysis report (draft version for review, and final version)
- Presentation of report findings to project team (PowerPoint presentation submitted for external consumption as well)
- Include 2 pages summary of key findings
- Qualification and requirements of the consultant
- Advanced University degree (Master Level minimum) in Conflict Resolution/Management, Peace Studies and Practice, Development Studies, Political Science or relevant field
- Minimum of 10 years of relevant practical field experience in scholarly work/ implementing conflict mitigation and management programs, peace building
- Demonstrated experience in conducting assessments, facilitating conflict management processes, or developing manuals and or tool kits for conflict intervention
- Familiarity with community-based and participatory approaches
- Familiarity with USAID conflict analysis framework
- Fluency in English required and excellent analytical and communication skills in English
- Familiarity with Somalia; understanding of the local language and knowledge of the cultural setting is an advantage
- Substantial project experience in implementing field research with vulnerable populations in hard-to-reach areas in Somalia and other similar contexts preferred.
- Advanced software knowledge of commonly used tools for data collection and analysis, including Kobo Toolbox (for digital data collection), Commcare and R, Stata etc.
- Extensive network of highly qualified team leaders and local enumerators in the CDCS focal zone.
- Detail oriented to ensure quality and consistency during data collection.-
- Institutional and Organizational Arrangements
The Consultant will report to the Chief of Party and Program Manager and will work closely with a focal person of each implementing partners.
- Time Frame
The consultancy work will start in December 2024 and will take 15 working days starting from the date of signing the contractual agreement and including a trip to Somalia to train the enumerators. The task is very time sensitive, and hence in the work plan the consultant should present in detail how s/he will adhere to this timeframe.
- Preparation of the Proposal
The consulting firm/bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the proposal. The consultant shall submit two proposals-technical proposal (with a separate sealed and stamped envelope) and a financial proposal (with a separate sealed and stamped envelope) in a single envelope. The technical and financial proposals should be marked properly and should include the name and detailed contact address of the consultant /firm.
- Logistics
International and local travel: Air tickets, airport pickup and drop off, ground transport and accommodation while in Mogadishu and field will be provided by the consortium of Adkeeysi project. Visas are obtainable on arrival at Mogadishu international airport. An introduction letter may be provided on request to support processing of visas. Visa costs are refundable upon presenting evidence of payment.
- Mode of Payment
The payment will be made according to the following time frame/arrangement. First installment (30% of the total cost) immediately after submission and acceptance of inception report following the signing of contractual agreement, and the second installment (70% of the total cost) after satisfactory completion of the task and acceptance of final report.
- Additional Information
- Consultants shall be required to sign and abide to Save the Children Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy, particularly expected behavior protocols when undertaking work with SCI.
- Consultants shall abide to USAID beneficiary data management policies.
Annex 1: Reporting outline
The final edited report should include the below at a minimum
- Table of contents, list of acronyms/abbreviations and list of tables and charts
- Executive summary of key findings and recommendations of approximately 4 – 5 pages.
- Introduction: Detailed context analysis, description of assignment objectives, adapted conflict analysis framework, conflict analysis methodology with clear explanation of sampling, survey methodology, FGDs/KIIs participant selection and data analysis approach.
- Study findings, analysis, and conclusions with associated data presented per study criteria via a reasonable balance of narrative vs. graphs and charts (mandatory). The findings section can be structured as below
- Conflict analysis in the targeted locations (Daynile, Afgooye, Afgooye corridor):
- Background and history of conflict. This section should include a map of the targeted locations and relations to conflict
- Analysis of the different structural sources/drivers of conflict in the targeted areas
- Analysis of conflict actors in the targeted areas
- Analysis of conflict dynamics in the targeted areas
- Analysis of existing responses to conflict
- Development of strategies and options to mitigate and manage conflict. How can the existing programs be structured to influence conflict in a positive way?
- Recommendations – The recommendations should be forward looking and should focus on program design, implementation methodology and approach, project monitoring and evaluation system, among others. The consultant should focus on how the Adkeeysi programs be leveraged to improve/reduce conflict in the targeted areas? What elements are included which can be leveraged on? What key elements were excluded which could reduce conflict? Amongst other things which the consultant is expected to provide. The recommendations should also be in line with a, b, and c above
- At least 15 – 20 good-quality pictures should be included in different sections of the reports. These pictures should be captioned
- Appendices, which include ToRs, detailed description of the methodology with research instruments, list of interviewees, references
- The Final Report incorporating issues indicated from (a) to (n). The Chief of Party Approval of the Report will be required to make payment.
How to apply
Application Procedure
Submit your response in accordance with the guidance provided in the below document:
Application can be submitted either Electronic Submission via ProSave (Highly Recommended)
Option 1: ProSave (Highly Recommended)
Bidders are encouraged to apply via Ariba system (prosave) Please request the Ariba link via email sending your company profile and Business registration certificate/CV to the email. Please address your request to
Option 2: Email Submission:
Qualified Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to
Please note the following.
• Email should be addressed to and should not be send any tender documents.
- Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails.
- Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.
- All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.
- Submissions must be made to this email, attaching all relevant documentation.
- Interested consultant (s) who meet the consultancy requirements are requested to submit their bid and each application package should include the above required minimum requirements.
Do not send tender related questions to this email address: somalia.sstenders@savethechildren.orgas they will not be answered. The subject of the email should be “CONFLICT MAPPING AND ANALYSIS
Only shortlisted bidders will be contacted.
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To apply for this job email your details to