SOS Children’s Villages Somaliland
TOR for Website Development SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland
TOR for Website Development
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland
- Background
SOS Children’s Villages is the largest non-governmental, non-political, non-denominational charitable child welfare organization in the world. Its mission is to build families for children in need, help them shape their own futures and share in the development of their communities. Hermann Gmeiner founded the first SOS Children’s Village in 1949 in Imst, Austria.
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland was established in Somaliland in 1999, with its first operations in Sahil region. Currently SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is operational in two more regions of Awdal and Marodijeh. SOS implements social programs ranging from childcare, child protection, youth empowerment and participation, education and emergency relief interventions and also works closely with many stakeholders including government authorities at national, regional and district levels, other NGOs, INGOs, local communities, as well as CSOs.
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland shares vision with SOS Children’s Villages and beliefs that every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security. To realize this, SOS builds families for children in need to help them shape their own futures and to share in the development of their communities.
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is committed to the welfare of children who lost parental care or at risk of losing parental care – often ensuring that children grow up in a loving family environment, and strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against child abandonment and social negligence. SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland upholds child protection policy as part of their commitment to safeguard children and young people from all abuse.
To achieve the foregoing objectives SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland must ensure that it has a strong, consistent and positive image. In keeping with the trust of improving the visibility of the organization, SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is seeking to design and develop a website. The website will serve as a formal communication channel and information resource. It will inform and educate the public of the SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland activities, and a range of accomplishments. With respect to the SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland governance mandate, the websites is intended to facilitate easy access and retrieval of information to support the expeditious and timely processing of information. It is in this regard that SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is seeking to engage the services of a web development company to develop a website to facilitate timely dissemination of information.
- Objective
The prime aim of this website design is to design and develop the official website of SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland to provide the ideal audiences and stakeholders the multidimensional work that we do.
- Scope of the consultancy
Upon successfully awarding of the contract, a hired firm/consultant or IO/IOR will be required to develop a website within the allocated timeline that meets the following requirements:
- Access SOS Children’s Villages international’s website for reference, applying the advantages of layout design, navigation, usability etc.
- The website should be built using a content management system (CMS) that is well established (preferably WordPress, etc.);
- Adaptive/Responsive or is capable of displaying on cross-platform/devices ranging from wider screens to smaller screen such as tablet and mobile phone.
- Average site load-time should be reasonable
- The website design must be secured and should adhere to the security best practices.
- Able to display appropriately on different browsers and with different devices (laptops, mobile phones etc.)
- Sponsor bottom: the website should have a bottom that facilitates for sponsorship and fundraising
- Provide training for the website users within the organization on how to use and how to administer the website.
- Provide maintenance for 12 weeks immediately after the website goes online.
- Working in close consultation with National ICT Coordinator form ICT issues (e.g., concept, features, framework used, and use of plugins).
- Structure of the website
The website can include the following in its structure and the consultant can come up with a better structure including these.
Upon clicking,“Home“, all platforms will appear horizontally. (About us, Programmes, News, Publication, Get invlolved, Contact us)
About us
The History, Strategy, Vision, Mission and Impact of the organization should be found under “ About us“ buttom.
Under this button, the following parts should be available:
- Alternative Child Care
- Strengthening families
- Speaking out for children rights
- Emergency Programs
- Youth programming
The following buttons should be available under “News/Update” section:
- News and Stories: (Latest news, internal newsletters, articles)
Under publication button, the following should be available:
(Annual report, policies, guidelines, laws and thematic reports, news letter)
Contact us
Provide a platform for potential employment opportunities and vacancies, provide insight or extensive information on the working environment inside the organization with multimedia format. Make the platfom where the applicant can easily get the vacant positions in the organization. Likewise, this part should also facilitate the users to apply any vacancies that is available
Get involved:
Under this section, the following buttoms should be available:
- Donate: (sponsor a child, sponsor a village, sponsor a family, make donation)
- Partner with us
- support our work
Other required functions
- Brand
Every page of the website must have a consistent design and theme in accordance to colour, font and other standards of the organization.
- Child Safeguarding
This platform presents child safeguarding information with different multimedia contents.It can also found a button to report a child safegaurding concerns/incidents.
- Donate
The website should have „“Donate“ button to facilitate others to make donation. Under donate, there should be a guidance facilitating the person to donate for example, when the person clicks “donate“, he/she should directly get the form to fill as to proceed the process of donating.
- Security and privacy:
Upon clicking this button, security and privacy guidlines will be found
- Easily Updated:
A dynamic website that permit non-technical users to add new content, update existing ones easily and quickly.
- Social media compatibility:
It should be easy to link with all social media accounts including (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and so on).
- Browser compatibility:
It should run on most browsers like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Edge Google Chrome, in a compatible way without any difference.
- Responsive
It should be accesable from PC, laptops, smart mobile phones and tablets with consistent look and feel.
- Website loading
Standardized website loading time with maximum of 6 seconds
- Duration/Timeframe
After the project is awarded, it must be completed within one month.
- Training
The consultant will organize training for the ICT and Communication team to orient the new Website.
- Warranty
The software developer warrants for a period of 1 year from the delivery date that all the features in the Website functions properly and systematically. The company shall correct any error that arises during the testing and launching of the Website.
- Payment
The budget will be negotiated between the consultant and SOS Children’s Village Somaliland based on their response to this Terms of Reference. The consultant should submit a proposal on how s/he intends to address the ToR with an attached budget breakdown. The consultancy fee will be paid in three instalments: 30% upon signing the contract, 55% when the website is approved and 15% upon the completion of the warranty period.
- Consultant’s Qualification
Website Development firms, coalitions, (referred to as Consultant in the document) are eligible to apply. Considering the magnitude of the tasks, it is expected that the website will be developed by a team consisting of at least three to four website, skilled and experienced to develop similar type of website design.
Profile of qualities and characteristics of the consultants:
- The Consultant should have valid license;
- Have experience to develop website sesign ;
- Previous Experience to work with different Companies or NGOs;
- The Consultant and team members have sufficient qualification and training to perform the job.
- How to apply
Please submit your technical and financial proposals by e-mail to SOS Somaliland at hr@sos-somaliland.org with the following documents:
- Profile of the company emphasizing similar previous works.
- Address of the company (physical location, website, tell numbers). Please also provide your contacts in Somaliland – if any
- Brief outline of the proposed implementation strategy including description of all the software.
- Warranty
- Detailed cost of the project including all travel costs, taxes, logistics etc.
Deadline for applications is June 24th 2021. Only shortlisted companies will be contacted for further enquiry and details. For further information, please contact at seid.farah@sos-somaliland.org
SOS Children’s Villages organization is committed to safeguarding the rights of the children and therefore, it is expected that every individual who joins with SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland understand his/her responsibility in protecting and keeping children always safe.
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/QaranJobs.so
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/somaliajobs
Linkedin: https://so.linkedin.com/company/qaranjobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QaranJobs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qaranjobs
To apply for this job email your details to hr@sos-somaliland.org