Government of Somaliland – MoERD
TOR of Consultant to develop ESIA guidelines for MOERD Somaliland
TOR of Consultant to develop ESIA guidelines for MOERD Somaliland
The Ministry of Environment & Rural Development is mandated to develop the environment sector, protect, conserve and manage environment through sustainable development aimed at eradication of poverty, improving living standards and ensuring that a protected and conserved environment is available for future generations. The Ministry and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)will be critical in strengthening the national capacities for improved decision making and mainstreaming of global environmental obligations by integrating the Rio Conventions, namely, Conventions on Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification, into targeted national development frameworks with the support of Cross-Cutting Capacity Development (CCCD) Project for global environmental governance. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment and Rural Development in collaboration with UNDP project on cross-cutting and capacity development for global environmental governance will develop environmental and social impact assessment guidelines for Somaliland to prevent and mitigate and manage environmental risks.
Under the overall guidance of Director General of the Ministry of Environment and Rural Development (MOERD), the Consultant will be responsible for the preparation and development of general technical guidelines for environmental and social impact assessment and strengthening the related capacities of MOERD specifically Department of environmental Protection through providing trainings in the use of reviewing and monitoring guidelines for ESIAs at national and provincial levels.
Objectives of the Consultancy
- Undertake a detailed review of ESIA requirements and guidelines in Somaliland as well as related laws and regulations on environment conservation, natural resource protection and management, and international treaties;
- Review of the main environmental and social issues in Somaliland, to provide a real-world focus for the ESIA Guideline;
- Develop comprehensive ESIA guidelines and capacity building for MOERD to ensure that ESIA reporting is consistent with legal requirements, good practices and professional standards.
Duties and Responsibilities
Develop the ESIA Guidelines and operational procedures and standards considering Somaliland local conditions, including:
- identifying significant and secondary environmental and social issues associated with project design, construction and operation;
- Identifying of relevant stakeholders, and describing requirements for the integration of stakeholder engagement (public participation) during the ESIA process, with special consideration of local conditions and issues. Provide guidance on Stakeholder Mapping including the development of an outline for Stakeholder Engagement Management Plan and Grievance Redress Mechanism;
- identifying the range of project sitting, design and operational alternatives that need to be considered;
- identifying the generic environmental and social impacts and risks typically encountered in projects and investments;
- define the environmental and social baseline needed to better assess the magnitude, significance and temporality of the potential impacts and risks;
- identifying relevant key performance indicators and metrics, prevention, mitigation, management and monitoring measures and arrangements that need to be considered;
- providing an indicative outline of the contents of:
- a comprehensive ESIA, including the content of each section with a focus on major impacts;
- an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan;
- Key supporting studies and plans (e.g., Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration Action Plan)
- providing quality review criteria for the ESIA in the form of a checklist, specifically for the use of regulators who will be required to review the ESIA report; and
- Providing an example Terms of Reference for the ESIA consultant team to be hired for carrying out the ESIA for projects.
- Advise tools and equipment that is needed to assess different environmental risk:-( mining, health, agriculture, polluting, urbanization, industries etc.)
- Develop user friendly training materials on ESIA of investments, ESIA technical guidelines, etc., for Government staff.
- Lead the development of general technical guidelines for ESIA.
Expected outcomes / results
- Inception report, progress reports and final report
- General Technical Guidelines for ESIA and tools in Somaliland drafted and consulted
- Final training and awareness raising materials on the Technical Guidelines and tools for ESIA on projects and investments in Somaliland
- Excellent Analytical Skills
- Excellent communication skills (written, verbal, and interpersonal)
- Results orientation
- Ability to manage and work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
- Ability to work in an organized and systematic manner.
Required Skills and Experience
- Proven and extensive international experience in environment and social impact assessments
- Proven extensive experience in the development of legal and policy frameworks for ESIAs
- Knowledge and experience working in ESIAs
- Master Degree or advanced degrees in environment sciences/policy/management or related field and at least 5-7 years relevant experience
- Experience in similar work he/she participated including ESIA report
- Proven experience conducting training of Government officials
- Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback; consensus-oriented
- Comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience with ESIA documents, environmental monitoring and inspection
- Regional and national knowledge is highly desirable
- Excellent in English report writing and communication skills
- Knowledge of Somali language desirable
Submission of applications:
All interested and qualified candidates should send CV and Application to khadrasuhuur@gmail.com and copy to Hassanhussein.haidaro@gmail.com and Nabil.abdi@undp.org; not later than 26 June, 2021.
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