Recruitment of One Master Trainer – Kismayo, Jubaland, Somalia

Jubbaland state of Somalia

Recruitment of One Master Trainer – Kismayo, Jubaland, Somalia


Vacancies announcement: Recruitment of One master trainer


Background In Somalia young people are disproportionately affected by poverty and unemployment. There are high expectations concerning education and employment. Unemployment leaves youth vulnerable to recruitment by militia and radical groups and can undermine efforts of peace and security.

Also, there is a high unemployment in Somalia and more than a half of the population are under 35 years of age. The current education system in place offers formal education opportunities to students from primary to secondary schools. The country’s TVET institutions have been destroyed during the wars in the late 1980s and 1990s. Though efforts have been made to rehabilitate the TVET centres in the country, a lot of work remains undone.


The growing economy in the country requires skilled workers. The “government and NGOs” – run TVET Centres have been the only production sources of skilled workers in the country. However, the centres provide short-term trainings aimed to help trainees to get jobs in the market. The type of the training being offered requires to be focused on the demands in the market. Also TVET system is fragmented.

In addition, one of the challenges to coordination and provision of skills training, is the lack of master trainers in Somalia. The current TVET centres do not produce nationally qualified Master Trainers that contribute to the production of required skilled TVET instructors in the market.


The current economic growth shows, given the start from a very low level, a slight positive trend. If this positive trend persists, the business enterprises will see the demand for TVET leading to higher qualifications continue to raise, a demand that must be satisfied through corresponding TVET courses in addition to other factors, so that this economic trend can stabilize. If on the other hand this positive trend does not continue, then the vocational training leading to higher qualifications can contribute towards diminishing this downward trend since they lead to increased competitiveness and productivity of the business enterprises, as a result of which economic life as a whole is stimulated.


The private sector is dominated by MSMEs in the informal sector, which constitutes the vast majority of all business enterprises. Due to uncertain and inadequate resources and the reduced planning horizon associated with that, these cannot generate adequate employment opportunities. To have a sustainable TVET system including a sustainable instructors training system, the government of Jubaland aims at recruiting master trainers and TVET instructors who become civil servants and build the backbone of the planned Somali TVET system.

Project approach Currently Jubaland government is working with GIZ in a cooperation that is intended to increase the efficiency and market orientation of TVET and help to tailor initial and further training to the needs of the different industrial and business sectors. Furthermore, policy advice will be linked to the development of a national qualification framework that underpin the quality management via certification and accreditation. 

In this respect, the objective of the project is to ensure that the supply of Somali skilled labour with basic and higher qualifications is in a better position to satisfy the demand of the labour market in selected regions of Somalia.

To achieve the above, GIZ TVET project in Somalia offers labour market-oriented qualification programmes in high-demand sectors.

This is currently realized through three components:

i.         Improvement of the capacity of selected TVET centres to implement labour market-oriented basic and higher qualification programmes.

ii.         Improvement of the quality of basic and higher qualification training programmes for selected occupational profiles through the development and implementation of modular training programmes.

iii.         Promotion of preconditions for an institutionalized labour market-oriented TVET.

In that regard Jubaland Ministry of Education and Higher Learning is planning to recruit master trainers and TVET instructors who will teach the long-term occupational profile of Agriculture.

Objective of recruitment/Training The master trainer will continuously train TVET instructors who will further teach students in Jubaland in the model schools in Kismayo.At the start of their assignment they will undergo a training in the area of vocational pedagogy, in the development of curricula, teaching and learning material and its use also regarding the planned training of their respective TVET instructors.

The Master trainer and TVET instructors will be under long-term employment as civil servants with Jubbaland government.

Benefits of training «    Opportunity to be engaged in a highly developed training and mentorship, 

«    To be a nationally certified master trainer or TVET instructor,

«    Up-skilling opportunity in your area of expertise.

Terms: 40 working hours per week. 

10 months work annually with 2 months leave.

Start of employment: May 2021
Teaching hrs per week per teacher: 20 hrs per week in teaching during the academic year 2020/ 2021 

20 hrs in lesson and post training preparation, attending conferences, development of curricula, teaching and learning materials, own training events and additional task at the decretion of the management.

# of Master Trainers. «    1 master trainer in agriculture

Both TVET instructor /master trainers:

–       Undertake all necessary lessons preparation both theoretical and practical sessions.–       Applying learner centric, action oriented   approach, deliver teaching assignments as per the curricula.

–       Demonstrate interactive teaching and learning by organizing classroom and learning resources.

–       Mentor and coach students during industrial apprenticeship.

–       Maintain a good documentation and student records.

–       Prepare post training student assessments.

–       Ensure a regular formative assessment during the training.

–       Adhere to school specific rules and regulations of conduct.

–       Take part curriculum development related tasks.

–       Attend conferences related to TVET and further tasks assigned by superiors (school management).

–       Attend teacher training both pre-and in-services teacher trainings.

Tasks and Responsibilities specific for Master Trainers. –       Development of Curricula for the relevant technical field together with international experts and further experts, e.g. from the private sector. 

–       Take part in trainings with international experts and train instructors according to their relevant occupational field.

–       Support in teaching both theoretical and practical learning.

–       Develop together with international experts a national and regional TVET initial and further training system.

–       Support instructors in planning, implementation and post processing of lessons.

–       Develop forms for documentation of students attendance, classes and results of student assessments.

–       Offer teacher training in future.

Qualification: «    Must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in agriculture from a recognized university. 

«    Must have practical experience in the fields of agriculture.

«    Fluency in written and spoken English and Somali language.

«    Committed to teaching and learning processes.

«    Self-disciplined.

«    Commitment and strong teamwork skills.

Application procedure: 


Interested applicants are required to submit below documents: 

  1. Updated CV and application letter
  2. Copies of academic certificates
  3. Professional references

Please indicate the position you are applying for, TVET instructor or master trainer and the occupational field you want to teach in.


Applications can be electronically addressed to:



Females and migrants (IDPs and returnees) are especially encouraged to apply. It is the policy of the project to fill 35% of the positions with qualified female master trainers and TVET instructors.

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